It's Christmas!!

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Percy and Annabeth:)

"C'mon, Annabeth.. Just one more?? Pretty please??"

"No, Percy. You've had enough blue cookies for the day. We also have to give our friends, you know!"chided Annabeth.

Percy put on his puppy face. "Fine. I'll be in my room,"he said.

"Oh Percy, you know I can't say no to that face." She pulled out a cookie from the jar and handed it to him. He gulped it down in a single mouth.

The two of them were baking in Sally's kitchen, while she and Paul were out for a movie. They were just stepping out of the kitchen when Percy said,"Look up, Annabeth." So she did.

Before she could respond, Percy had pulled her into a kiss. Her heart warmed and she smiled.

The clock struck twelve.

Percy pulled away and said, "Merry Christmas, Wise Girl," and hugged her warmly. "Merry Christmas to you too, Seaweed Brain. I hope you got me something good or consider yourself dead. They both laughed. "Okay Percy, I should be heading home now. I'll see you for the Christmas lunch." She shouldered her bag and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye," he said as he led her to the door. "Bye," she replied and walked down the street to the subway station.


Jason, Piper and Leo:)

Just another typical Christmas morning. Leo randomly setting his stocking on fire. Piper trying to charmspeak the kitchen utensils into making breakfast. Jason trying to turn on the Christmas lights on with his electricity.

All of them were staying at Piper's house for the holiday, with her dad. Tristan had tried to get his chef to cook breakfast, but the trio insisted on doing it by themselves.

Since their powers were covered up by the Mist, all Mr.McLean saw was Piper speaking to a bunch of kitchen utensils, Leo glaring at his stocking and seeming to be very upset with it and Jason trying to turn on the lights by using the Force or something.

"What are you guys even doing?"asked Mr.McLean. "Oh, you know, just chilling on Christmas day,"said Leo. Jason stifled his laughter. Leo and chilling? Not things that go together very well.

"Okay guys, forget breakfast. It's ten already and our lunch with our friends is at twelve. So let's just go and get ready,"said Piper. The three of them headed to their rooms and Leo spontaneously bursting into verses of  'Girl On Fire' in the shower.


Frank and Hazel:)

Frank and Hazel were staying in a small house in New York that they had rented just for the holidays. They were sitting on the floor, watching reruns of old sappy romance movies and wrapping up presents. They were to leave for lunch in about half an hour with the rest of the Seven, Nico, Terra, Stiles and Reyna. Both Frank and Hazel had ten presents to wrap each. "Done!"exclaimed Frank. "So am I!"said Hazel.

"There's only one problem. How are we gonna transport all these gifts to Mrs.Jackson's house?"asked Frank.

"Why, you will, of course! You can change into a horse or something and we'll ride over to Percy's, drop off the gifts and head to the restaurant for lunch. Easy as pie,"explained Hazel.

"Okay, sounds good,"said Frank. He kissed her on the cheek. "See you in a bit, Hazel,"and he went upstairs to his room.

Hazel was warmed right down to her feet despite the cold weather. She sighed contentedly and went over to her own room to change.


Nico, Terra and Stiles:)

Nico and Stiles were staying at Camp for the holiday and Terra was staying back at her house with Percy and their mom. The trio were to meet for a movie. When they got there, they decided to go for 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 1'. All three of them, even if they couldn't read properly, were big fans of the book. They had actually listened to the audio book.

After the movie, Terra said,"Wow, that was just AMAZING. It's better than the book. You don't see that a lot." "I agree,"said Stiles,"although hijacked Peeta really scared me."

Nico and Stiles headed back to camp to get their gifts and Terra went back home to get ready for lunch.



All of the Seven, Nico, Terra, Stiles and Reyna met at a fancy restaurant for lunch and then headed back to Percy's place for the presents.

Each person had a bag full of presents in their favourite colour, like Percy had a blue one and Annabeth had a grey one. Mrs.Jackson had made mugs of hot chocolate and was passing it around to everyone.

All ten of them sat in a circle on the floor, each wearing a Santa hat, and with their respective bags in front of them.

Percy went first. He pulled out a present, which was from Piper. He ripped the packaging open. It was a blue Camp Half Blood t shirt. "Whoa, Piper. Where did you get this?? I love it!!!" She smiled back at him. The next one was from Annabeth. It was also a t-shirt, and it said 'Seaweed Brain + Wise Girl' in a big heart. He smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiked back.

After Percy was Annabeth. From Percy she got a charm necklace that said 'PJ + AC' engraved on different beads. She gave him a huge hug and wore the necklace immediately.

At the end of the session, Percy was sitting next to a pile of blue stuff, Annabeth with a whole load of books, Piper with some new jackets and lots of feathers, Frank with a lot of stuffed animals, Jason next to a pile of lighting things, Leo with some new fireproof objects, Nico with a lot of skulls, Terra with a lot of sea-related stuff, Stiles with some new hacking devices and pickpocketing handbooks and Reyna with a whole load of makeup and jewellery (they all wanted to make her more girly).

Hugs and kisses were exchanged and everyone went home happily and a bag full of gifts.

So there you have it! A Christmas chapter..
I know it's not Christmas anymore, but now you do have something to read:)

Oh yeah and I just wanted to let you know that this is just for fun and it is not part of the actual story..

Most recent TV show obsession??
Mine is Sherlock. It's amazing... Watch it

So that's all we have for you today..
Sorry, but no shoutout, because no one voted, commented or followed!
So do it!!

Seeya next chapter
Until then
Yours in demigodishness and all that
Peace out
demigodivergent, werewolfbanshee and PeaceLoveFangirl.

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