The Writing That Takes Place in My Brain

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Hiiii so before i start this chapter I want to acknowledge a big change to this book. So last chapter was in first person from Gilbert's POV and whenever I write in first person words come a lot easier, so I'll be writing the rest of the story in Anne's first person pov. Obviously if a chapter is follows another character I'll acknowledge that but unless it says otherwise it will all be Anne's thoughts and feelings. So yeahhhh hope you enjoy!!



Given the recent increase in rehearsals, test prep, and hospital visits I haven't had much time to just stop.  Stop worrying, stop thinking, stop wondering. And sure my friends have taken me out a few times, but my mind always resorts back to Matthew and my grades and playing Juliet.

I took Clover's leash off the hook and attached it to her harness. Getting her ready to go for a walk is never easy. She gets so excited and nearly starts bouncing off the walls, like one of those pinball machines. When I opened the door, Clover slid through and immediately started pulling.

I let out a small laugh, "Clover, slow down." We made our way to the elevator and eventually outside. I decided today was a good day to take Clover out for an adventure because what is life without those. As we made our way down the next couple of streets, I checked my pockets for my phone, wallet, and metro card. There's this dog park in Tribeca that is really cute.

After a fairly normal train ride, I was able to let Clover off her leash and through the grassy park. Now seemed like the perfect time to write. Not with a pen and paper. Sadly. But on my phone. On an app.

People tend to write fan fiction or really cringy YA books that somehow get turned into movies, but I decided on a different genre, Thriller. "The Haunted Dell" is really self-explanatory, except for the fact that I don't know how to end it. I don't want to be lazy and say it was all a dream, but I'm just about ready to. I look up to check on Clover and see she's being pet by someone who's back was to me.

I moved with a slight jog over to my dog and the mystery man, only for the mystery man to be Charlie. "I thought some stranger was petting her." He smiled and shook his head, "No stranger, just me." He stood and turned his attention to me, "So, how's life?" I shrugged, "Honestly, not the greatest. How about yours?" He nodded, "Same." We didn't have much to say, and it was moments like these that reminded me I was still the new one in the group. I don't know everyone that well yet. "Clover!" I called out to her and put her back on the leash, "Wanna walk around the park with us?" Charlie smiled.

"So, Charlie," I took a moment and smirked, "Why are you in a dog park?" He chuckled, "I don't really know. There's just less humans I guess. What are you doing all the way on this side of the city? No dog parks in Brooklyn?" I pretended to act hurt, "Wow. You don't want me here, just say the word and I'll go."

"No, you can stay." Charlie said with a smile. Subconsciously, we both sat down at a bench and continued to talk. We discussed everything and anything under the sun. I never knew how comfortable I could be around Charlie. We haven't really hung out since that day in Times Square, and even then we've never been together one-on-one. 

"Charlie?" I turn to fully face him and next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I didn't pull away though. Nothing about this felt wrong and I was fully focused on him. Not hospital or plays, just him. Maybe this is exactly what I've needed. When we pulled away from each other, Charlie's eyes never left mine, "Be my girlfriend?" My mind was still stirring from the kiss, so it takes a few seconds for me to say, "Yes."

Clover started barking, so I turned my attention away to see what on earth she was barking at. All I could see were trees, bushes, dogs, and "Shit." Gilbert staring right at me.

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