Unlocked Closet

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⚠️ TW: Sexual Assault ⚠️
Please DO NOT romanticize sexual assault and rape. It is not a joke or a myth that you hear about in books. It is real and sadly happens every day and can happen to anyone. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted please call the police or 1-800-656-4673. This is the national SA hotline through an organization called, RAINN, which is completely confidential and can offer you help. Don't allow it to destroy your send you into silence. You are strong and if we bring light to these situations we can increase our safety and comfortability in this world. That being said this chapter is not meant to be offensive to anyone's situation, it is only to show that they can happen anywhere and to anyone and it is not okay. I hope you enjoy this chapter and help anyone in need <3.


"Glad to get back into the swing of things, I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break, but it's time to get back to work. More specifically it's time to focus on your regents. For those of you who don't know, they are standardized tests and will determine if you pass or fail your classes."

The class groaned causing Ms. Stacy to frown, "Honestly, I hate it as much as you do, I don't think we should judge students based on their test-taking skills, but it's mandatory, and I'd hate for you to have this class next year or revisit me as a senior. So once you all finish the essay on feminist theory, we will get into test prep. Now get on those laptops and make revisions!" Everyone began to unlock their computers, as Anne looked around, next to her was a silent Diana and behind her were Gilbert and Cole. Anne raised her hand, "Ms. Stacy?" She looked up from the front of the classroom and replied, "Yes Anne?"

"May we talk while we work?" Anne gave a small smile, and Ms. Stacy sighed, "As long as you get your work done and keep your voices low." Conversations picked up throughout the room and people adjusted their chairs to face each other. Anne turned her chair around and smiled, "Hello boys."

Cole smiled back, "You know Anne, sometimes at night, when all the men are sleeping, the feminists take over and slit their throats." Gilbert's head flashed to the side, "What?" Anne and Cole laughed, "Calm down lover boy, it's from this misogynistic short film Anne and I saw this weekend with Jane." Gilbert had a concerned look but nodded, "You guys need help." Anne shrugged, "It was research, how can you understand feminists without hearing from the oppressors."

"Touché," Gilbert looked back down at his laptop. They continued their work, while making jokes and talking, until Cole raised his hand. "What are you asking for?" Anne asked. Cole shook his head, "I just have to go to the bathroom." Anne nodded and looked back down at her work. "Ms. Stacy, may I go to the bathroom?" Ms. Stacy nodded and Cole left. Anne smiled and Gilbert looked at her confused, "What?"

"Can't a girl smile? My life is really good right now." Anne laughed, causing Gilbert to laugh as well. "Anne, Gilbert, that's a warning. Lower the volume please." They nodded, holding in the rest of their laughter and got back to work.

Eventually, Cole returned with a dazed, upset, and confused look on his face. "Cole? What's wrong?" He sat in his chair and looked up at Anne, "I have to tell the truth." Anne gave him a worried look, "About what?" Gilbert's stopped typing, "Cole, you know you can tell us anything right?"

He nodded and whispered, "A few months ago Mr. Phillips- he- he hurt me. And has been threatening me every sense. He says if I tell anyone I'll be expelled and my mom can't take that." Anne placed her hand on Cole's arm, "Hurt you how?" He gave them a knowing look and the pair understood exactly what he was saying. "Cole you have to tell someone, Mr. Phillips shouldn't be a teacher," Gilbert whispered. Cole shook his head, "No one will believe me." Anne sighed, "I think I know someone who might. Follow me before lunch, okay?" The boys nodded and the all returned to their work in silence, their minds racing about what to do.

"Prissy can we talk to you for a moment," Anne asked, with Gilbert and Cole confused as to why they were talking to her. Prissy nodded and said bye to her friends, "What's up, Anne?" They lead her to a side hallway with no one in it and then explained what happened. Prissy looked tense, "You're telling me this why?" Anne paused and decided to choose her next words carefully, "Prissy, I know what Mr. Phillips did to you and it's obvious you aren't the only one who he did it to. Don't you want to get him fired?"

Prissy nodded "Of course I do, but my parents made an arrangement-" "Out of fear. He threatened to ruin your reputation, but he can't do that if you're not the only victim. What if it's not only you two? What if this happened to kids before you and what about the kids after you? You're just going to stay silent and let you pay him off, so he can rape other kids?" There was a few moments of silence, "I would, but it might ruin everything," Prissy whispered.

Cole walked forward to Prissy, "I know, but he's been threatening me for months, please Prissy." She looked at Cole, "Alright, I'll go." Cole let out a sigh of relief, and began to lead the group towards Mrs. Smith's office. Anne held his hand, in hopes to reassure him that everything with turn out alright in the end. When Prissy and Cole went into her office, Anne and Gilbert sat outside in silence, waiting and hoping for their friend's sake that there would be a good outcome.

Just before the bell rang to end the lunch period, Prissy exited the office, "She said she'll have an investigation, but with both accusations their is a high chance he'll be fired." Anne smiled, "That's great! Where's Cole?" She sighed, "They're calling his mom to tell her everything. Like everything, everything." Gilbert looked confused, "What? Wasn't it just the thing with Mr. Phillips?" That's when Anne understood, "He's coming out to his mom."

"Wait, Cole's gay?" Gilbert asked. Anne nodded, "Yeah, he didn't want anyone to know." Prissy sat down, "He ended up telling Mrs. Smith, he wanted her to have the full picture." Gilbert sighed, well now we wait to see the outcome.

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