Times Square

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"Almost-boyfriend how gross, but that leaves an open opportunity for me now doesn't it," Ruby said smirking, while her mind is churning with ideas. "Billy it's time we rejoin our group."

~ Later that day~

Anne was in her room on FaceTime with Diana and Gilbert, while they did their homework, "So x is equal to 4?" Diana asked, but Gilbert shook his head and the half-siblings began to argue. Anne rolled her eyes and moved on to the next question when she got a text.

Avonlea Gang 🤠

rubes🎀 hey yall

josie😤 rubyyyy❤❤❤

hi ruby.

moody🐄 hi 👋
Anne looks back at the FaceTime and realizes Diana and Gilbert are still arguing. "Guys." They look at her, "Ruby's texting the group chat." They both picked up their phones and opened the chat.
rubes🎀 so I've been thinking and I want to make amends with you guys especially you Anne 😉 so Friday night i want to host a get-together... what do u think

jane🙃 umm sounds good

tilly💚 sure 👍

josie😤 definitely will be there babe

moody🐄 cool what's the food situation

cole💫 sure thing

jerry🤙 oki

charlie🥸 I'm there

blythe❤ 👍

diana🔐 umm sure

rubes🎀 anne???


billy🤬 I'll be there too

charlie🥸 oh shit Billy ur alive

billy🤬 🖕
Anne exits the chat, "A party? To make it up to me? That has trouble written all over it." Diana and Gilbert look at Anne, unsure of what to say.

"I guess," Diana says, "Unless she really does wanna make it up to you." Anne nods considering the possibility that the party isn't all bad. "Oh, Anne we almost forgot to tell you." Gilbert starts, "We won't be at school tomorrow, we have some boring charity event that our parents want us at." Diana and Gilbert roll their eyes in unison, which makes Anne realize that although they are only half-siblings, they kind of look a lot alike.

"It's fine, guys." They finished their homework and hung up.

~The next day~

"Hey, Anne!" Jane calls out with Tilly, Charlie, Moody, and Jerry close behind, "We're gonna go to Times Square after school, and since Diana and Gilbert aren't here we were wondering if you wanted to join us." It was no secret that Anne, Diana, and Gilbert were inseparable, but to Anne, this came as a bit of a shock. She hadn't taken much time to really get to know the rest of her friends.

"Of course I'll come." The group nodded and left. Anne continued her way to math, although she was good at it she hated her teacher with a passion. He was a complete jerk and honestly should not be a teacher. Anne walks into his class, "Good morning Mr. Phillips." Anne said blandly, although she got no response, she would have been yelled at for not greeting her teacher.


Despite math class dragging on the rest of the day flew by and soon she was on the train with Jane, Tilly, Moody, Jerry, and Charlie to Times Square, "Oh, I've gotta text Marilla and tell her we've got after school rehearsals." Jane looked at Anne curiously, "Why?" Anne explained everything to Jane and honestly, it felt refreshing to open up to someone other than Diana or Gilbert.

"Anne, you should figure out why she's doing this to you cause once she finds out about the lies, your childhood is as gone, and you're grounded for life." Anne looked at Jane taking in her words, "You give pretty good advice." Jane laughed and they continued to chat.

Soon they were in Times Square and just walking around, talking, having fun, and taking pictures.

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~"OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, so you mean to tell me you and Gilbert aren't dating?" Tilly says extremely confused

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"OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, so you mean to tell me you and Gilbert aren't dating?" Tilly says extremely confused. Anne nodded laughing a bit. "Life is a bit complicated right now."

Charlie, Jerry, and Moody did something of a huddle and said, "We deem you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, our little sister." Anne laughed, then Jane and Tilly said, "Lady Anne we deem you our soul sister." Making Anne laugh even more.

"Well, I grant you guys new emojis next to your names on my phone," Anne said taking out her phone.

New names:


Anne showed the group and they nodded in approval. "We need a group chat!" Tilly said excitedly. They created a new group chat with the six of them and then one with the girls, and one with the boys plus Anne.

~Later that night~


jane🔒 night guys

moody🤙 night

sweet dreams💕

tilly🤞 goodnight

jerry💙 gn family🙃

charlie💉 night 🌙

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