Avonlea Chronicles Pt 2.

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~Diana's POV~
Monday morning

Gilbert and Anne. Anne and Gilbert. I get that it's pathetic that they are my first thought this morning, but how is it that they are talking to each other again and Anne isn't talking to me. It appears she's figured everything out with Gilbert so why hasn't she came to me. Again I am pathetic. I sat up and looked at Ruby and Josie who were still sleeping. Yesterday, we had to keep Ruby distracted while Anne and Gilbert were gone for two hours. Only God knows where they were, but after Ruby had a mini panic attack we decided to drag her into some board games. You'd think that once she and Gilbert started dating she'd be a little less extra, but it's her default. I got up quietly and walked into the hallway. I crept down the hallway, but froze when another door opened, "Moody?" I whispered. He gave a small wave and asked, "What are you doing up? It's not even sunrise." He was right it was still pitch black outside. "I need to talk to you." I led Moody to the sitting room at the end of the hall and closed the glass door. "Okay, Moody. I know you said you liked me and your sweet, but I-" Moody interrupted me, "If I could take back what I said I would. I never want to hurt you, Diana." I was taken back by the small outburst of kindness from him. He's always been the sweetest boy, but this felt like a different kind of sweet. I gave him a small smile and nodded, "Thank you, Moody," I stood, "Now would you like to join me on a journey to the kitchen. It may not be typical breakfast time, but I'm a bit hungry." He smiled at me and we walked down to the kitchen. Honestly spending time with Moody was fun. We just talked and laughed for a couple of hours until everyone started waking up for breakfast. Our cooks asked us to leave the kitchen, so we just waited for our friends in the dining room. The first person downstairs was Anne. She gave Moody and me a small smile and sat at the table. "Morning Anne. I have a question," Moody said while eating a grape. "Shoot." I looked down at the bowl of grapes in front of me and just listened. "Where were you and Gilbert yesterday?" I glanced at Anne and looked back down. "Oh, we had gone for a walk. He was showing me around the neighborhood." I could hear in her voice that wasn't the full truth. I stood from my chair and walked upstairs. Not even deciding to knock I walked into the room Gilbert was sharing with Billy and Charlie. "Gilbert!" Charlie and Billy were posted in front of the window, watching something with amusement. "What are you two looking at?" I asked as I walked towards them. Charlie just smiled and pointed below in the courtyard, where Gilbert was talking with Ruby. "Honestly, Ruby, trust me nothing happened with Anne yesterday." Ruby shifted her weight, "Really, because you two have been spending a lot of time together this trip." Gilbert nodded his head in a passive-aggressive manner, "Yeah, because it's been months since we have actually spoken. I got one of my best friends back and I just want to spend time with her before the pressures of school possibly has us arguing again." Ruby sighed and rubbed his arm, "Okay, yeah. I believe you. And I promise I'll try to make nice with Anne." Gilbert leaned in, and I turned from the window, "Ew, ew, ew." I whispered. Billy and Charlie laughed at me. "You know Diana, some people don't run at the sight of a kiss," Billy teased. "Haha very funny." I rolled my eyes and looked at Charlie, who had gone silent. I shrugged off the awkwardness and moved back towards the window. Ruby was gone, it was just a stressed Gilbert. "Gilbert! Come up here please!" I yelled out the window. He jumped a bit then looked up and rolled his eyes at me. Billy stuck his head out the window and flipped him off. I shoved his head back in the window and watched Gilbert head inside. After a couple of minutes, he made it upstairs. I was laying on his bed, "Took you long enough. Charlie, Billy, can we have the room?" The left and Gilbert sat next to me, "What do you want, dear sister." I sighed and sat up, "Where did you and Anne go yesterday?" He looked at me and I could see him mentally pause, "I, um, I took her to the orchard." I couldn't describe how many times I blinked, "The one place Mother says don't go to, you bring Anne to. You must have a death wish." He shook his head, "No, I just care enough about my Dad that I don't care what Mom tells me to do. It's rightfully mine and I was simply checking up on it." I stood, "Why do you talk about Mother like she's the worst person in the world. She takes care of you, she-" Gilbert stood, "Cheated on my Dad," I stopped, "I was just born and she went right to the next man, who was richer and who the family approved of. Don't you ever notice how much differently they all treat me compared to you and Minnie May? You're the one they wanted. A product of wealth." I shook my head, "That's not true, she said John left her and then gained custody of you." He scoffed, "The man with no money, how could he gain custody of me? Make it make sense." It didn't make sense at all. "But Mother wouldn't- she-" My eyes darted frantically around the room. I couldn't form a sentence. I love my mother, but she does things sometimes that she thinks are best for us. Gilbert pulled me into a hug and didn't let go. I didn't want him to. We're not the most affectionate siblings, so this was one of our better moments.

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