Chapter 3- Chapin Day One

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After a whole summer of hanging out with Diana, we were best friends. We were practically never separated the entire 2 months. Countless sleepovers, beach trips, and my birthday, all the fun had come to an end in September. The first day of school. I got ready she put on a white crop top, a pink plaid skirt, and white air force ones. I brushed my hair and curled it. When I was finished I raced Clover to the kitchen, where a breakfast burrito was waiting for me and some bacon for Clover. "Good morning." I greeted Marilla and Matthew and placed kisses on their cheeks, as they both replied with a good morning. We all ate our breakfast and then I took Clover for a quick walk.

Just as she was about to leave for the train I bent down to Clover who was utterly confused and crying, "I'm gonna miss you today Clover. But it's the first day of school and I'm so excited." I got up, said "Bye, everyone," and left. After a normal train ride, i was in front of the school waiting for Diana. "Anne!" Diana yelled, although they saw each other yesterday. We hugged tightly and then walked into the school. In the lobby, there was a table where we get our schedules. When we made it to the front of the lines and received our schedules we looked at them without delay.

"We have most classes together." I exclaimed. "This is going to be a great year!" Diana replied with a smile. We cheerfully hurried to the courtyard to find our friends who left us over the summer. "Hi!" Diana and I said as we approached the group. Everyone greeted us with a hug. I realized there were 2 people who were there that I hadn't met, so I introduced myself. "Oh hi, I'm Anne." The taller boy said, "So I've heard. I'm Cole and this is Jerry. We were doing an exchange semester in France for the second half of the year."

I looked at them astonished, "That sounds amazing. I would have loved to go to France." Cole and continued to talk about France and other places until the bell rang. As I was going to walk away Cole grabbed my elbow, "I just wanted to let you know the entire time we've been talking Gilbert was watching you." he whispered. "What no way." I said feeling the heat rise in my cheeks,  then walked to homeroom.

After homeroom and math, it was time for English, also known as the class where I slay. After meeting Diana in the hall, we walked in to see that Gilbert and the entire gang was in the class. "Ugh, you again." Diana said jokingly taking a seat across the aisle from Gilbert. I sat next to her and she felt Gilbert's eyes on me, and I wanted so badly to look at him too. So I did. I looked back at him, with a face that said "Yes, Mr. Blythe?" and it made him blush and look away. I felt a bit guilty for putting him through that, but it was so girlboss that it was worth it.

"Good morning class. I'm Miss Stacy your teacher for English 905. That means 9th grade at the 5th and highest level. I'll have high expectations for this class" Miss Stacy had an eccentric sense of style, but I liked it. "Today we will be getting to know one another because although you know each other. This is my first time having you all." Miss Stacy had us all move their desks. "So we will be playing a little game. You will think of two words that describe you using the first letters of your first and last name. I'll start. Muriel Stacy. Mischievous. Scholastic. Let's start with, Ruby Gillis."

Ruby stood, "Romantic." Josie chuckled. "Girl?" Ruby said looking at Gilbert smiling. "Gilbert Blythe?" Ms. Stacy called. Gilbert then stood. "Um, Global, and Bookish." Gilbert sat back down. Ms. Stacy continued through the names until finally, "Anne Shirley-Cuthbert?" I stood, "Astonishing. Smart. Creative."

"Wonderful. If everyone would get back in their seats I will discuss what we will be learning this year." Miss Stacy said, helping some students fix their desks. Miss Stacy then spoke about the upcoming school year, until I heard words I liked. "...and every Friday we will have a spelling bee." This was for sure going to be my favorite class. That's when I realized my face wasn't the only one that lit up at the words "spelling bee". Gilbert also appeared to be pleased by the weekly games, which meant I might have some competition for once.

After class, the group walked to lunch, but I trailed behind . Gilbert realized this and stayed back with me. "You, okay?" I looked up at him. He had around 4 inches on me, which was typical since I was always one of the taller girls. Gilbert raised and eyebrow and I finally opened up. "This school is just so different from my old one. It's kinda surreal. I mean spelling bees every week! I could only dream."

Gilbert looked at me surprised, "You like spelling bees, too?" I smiled, "Yeah, anything to do with reading is a favorite of mine." Gilbert smiled in return. There was finally someone who shared a love for books in the friend group. "Oh, and I love a good competition." I said jokingly. We laughed as we walked into the cafeteria. It was only then I realized how nice Gilbert's eyes were. They were amber around the edges and blended into a green and grey on the inside. They were perfect. After my eyes left Gilbert's, I saw a pair of eyes on me.


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