Chapter 4- Bite-Sized Bitch

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Ruby marched over to me, clearly angry. "Anne. A word." Then she grabbed my hand, dragging me to the girls bathroom. Gilbert and I were only talking. As soon as she assured no one was lurking, Ruby let loose. "I've liked Gilbert all my life and you cannot come here and change that. Gilbert is mine. Not yours. Mine. And also your hair is ridiculous, your style is shameful, and you're a know-it-all wannabe cool girl, who thinks you can wiggle your way into our group. Well newsflash, you can't."

It seemed as though Ruby had been holding that in for a while, which is crazy because we've only been here four hours, but I swore I would not be spoken to like that, "Newsflash? Here's a headline for you, I already did. I'm here now whether you like it or not. Quite frankly I don't care, but I will not let some bite-sized bitch try and tell me what to do." I was about to walk away, but had to add, "Oh also, I will continue to talk to Gilbert, we're friends and you can't get in the way of that just because you can't get within 2 feet of him without hyperventilating."I walked out of the bathroom, proud of myself. I had finally stood up to someone. I returned to the cafeteria and sat down at the table with my friends.

"Where's Ruby?" Diana asked. I looked at Diana and tried to not give it away, "I don't think she's coming." I ate my lunch in silence, replaying what happened in the bathroom in my head. I still couldn't believe it happened. "Hey," I looked up and realized it was Gilbert who called her. He motioned to the candy bar and we walked over to talk. "So what happened between you and Ruby because there's an obvious change in your mood." Gilbert asked and for some reason, I was compelled to tell him everything.

Gilbert looked astonished when I finished, "You called her bite-sized?" I nodded, "It was the only insult I could come up with at the time." He looked at me more seriously this time, "So why do you think it is such a huge problem of us talking?" I obviously knew the answer to that, but played dumb, "I have no idea."

The bell then rang, so I found Diana and told her the story as we walked to class. Diana was shocked, "Ruby said all that?" I nodded. "I can't believe it, I've known her since forever." The next few classes went by in a blur, I was too focused on lunch. One of the classes I had without Diana I had with Cole, so I sat with him, "So your gay right? I didn't want to assume or ask, but I just kinda got a gay vibe from you." I said as I sat.

Cole laughed, "Yeah, I am actually, but the group doesn't know." I looked at him, "Why not?" He spoke about how his parents weren't very supportive and how the only people he was certain of being accepted by were the Avonlea Crew.

We continued to talk through the class with no regard to the teacher, he was a bore anyway, and finally the last bell rang. "Ok so Diana and I are going to a coffee shop wanna join?" I asked smiling. Cole looked at me understanding what she was implying, "I will come for the fries, but I'm not telling her yet." I nodded not wanting to pressure him. "I still cannot believe Ruby said that." Diana said stuffing her face. "I know." I replied, face full of a corn muffin. Diana and Cole laughed and soon I joined them. Eventually I had to leave my friends and return to Brooklyn, but it was worth it because I had so much to tell the Cuthbert's.

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