Sophmore Year Sneak Peak?!?!?!?

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"Oh my god."

"Dude! Why would you do that"

"She's a girl, it's dudette."

Gilbert turned to look at me with the biggest "What the hell, is that what we're focusing on right now" look. I laughed, "Fine." I walked towards his bed and picked up Clover, "Clover, you do not pee on the bed. No." The dog squirmed in my arms. I carried her to her cage that was in the Blythe's guest room. I was staying with them for a couple weeks while Marilla is upstate. Marilla was looking for any other solution to this, but I didn't want to go upstate and she didn't want me alone but the Andrews were on vacation. The Blythe-Barry household was the next best thing.

The Barry's are currently back-to-school clothes shopping, leaving behind just me and Gilbert. Not a horrible thing. We've been going strong since June, and have pretty much been inseparable. I walked back into Gilbert's room to find him pull off all the linens from his bed. "Registration fair starts in an hour. We should start getting ready." He turned to look at me as he flopped on his couch. I sat next to him and snuggled in. "Sophomore year should be fun" he grumbled in a sarcastic tone. "It will be. Everyone and everything is settled. There won't be nearly as much drama."

As much as I was trying to convince Gilbert of this, I was also trying to convince myself. I switched schools to focus on academics and that definitely did not happen last year. I was pulled out of my thoughts with a kiss on my forehead, I looked up at Gilbert who smiled, "Let's get ready."

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