Lunch Detention

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Anne woke up with a smile on her face. Things have been going fairly well, granted she hasn't spoken to Gilbert since those rehersals in December and she hasn't spoken to Johnny since she left the cabin, but who needs boys. She has amazing friends and an amazing school and... Dammit. Gilbert and I are lab partners.

They haven't done a lab in Science since before their argument, He said he loves me and he doesn't know that I know. What a screwed up situation. Anne got out of bed and began her day.

As usual, Anne and Diana got on an earlier train without Gilbert. "Anne you have to talk to him eventually." Anne, who was being bumped against  the train pole, scoffed, "Oh really, cause last time we spoke it ended in a full-blown argument."

Diana stood there, silently agreeing, "Di, he said he loves me. How can you love someone and still kiss someone else." Diana shook her head, "I even told him, not to say that I mean where 14 almost 15. We don't know what love is. Don't let that dictate your life Anne." She took an empty seat as the train emptied and became full again.

"Di, Charlie told me that he believes Gilbert and I would understand it first." Anne looked at her phone to check the time. Diana sighed, "Believe what you want Anne, but I don't wanna hear about love until we’re at least 16."

The girls continued their train ride. After a long first day back it was time for Chemistry. "Okay, I trust you remember your lab partners from before break." Anne looked down at the desk as everyone began to get in their pairs. Gilbert sat next to her nervously, it's only been three weeks since their argument and they haven't spoken since. "Hey, Carrots." Anne's eyes widened because before she could process her action her 300 page chemistry textbook collided with his cheek.

Everyone turned to see what the noise was and Anne dropped her book out of shock. "I am so sorry. Truly. I hadn’t meant to do that, it just happened." Their Chemistry teacher asked Anne to go to the principal's office, so she grabbed her bag, said sorry a ton more times, and left.

20 minutes later, Diana slipped into the seat next to Gilbert,  "Okay what did you do?" Gilbert's eyes widened, "All I did was sit down and said 'Hey Carrots' out was no big deal." Diana rolled her eyes, "It's a huge deal. The kids that bullied her at her middle school called her Carrots. You probably brought back tons of bad memories." Gilbert cursed under his breath, "I honestly didn't mean for it to be like that." Diana shrugged, "Your in deep trouble Gil. Also might wanna go to the nurse for an ice pack."

Gilbert nodded and went to the nurse.  Anne was waiting for the principal, Mrs. Smith, to call her in. "Come on in Anne." She got up and slowly walked into the office. "So what did you do?" Anne screwed up her face, "I hit Gilbert Blythe in the face with my chem book because he called me carrots. Which is very offensive to me and brings up past trauma." Mrs. Smith folded her hands, "But was it a reason to hit him with the textbook?" Anne shook her head. "That's right. Now I know your the lead in the play, so I could give you lunch detention until I get a written apology to Gilbert and a written summary on everything you missed in your Science class today."

Anne thanked her and the bell rang. "Now get to your next class, your lunch detention will start tomorrow with me because there are no avaliable teachers." Anne walked to Ms. Stacy's class and went about the rest of her day.

The next day, she found herself in Ms. Smith's office again for her lunch hour. "Alright, get writing. The sooner you finish, the sooner your punishment is over." Anne took out a binder of loose-leaf and began to write her summary for science. She found herself finished in 15 minutes, meaning she had to write the apology today. It took her 30 minutes to write it, but she still had 15 minutes of lunch.

Anne handed Mrs. Smith her papers. "These are really good, Anne. Now give the apology to Gilbert." Anne's eyes widened, she was not ready to forgive Gilbert for anything, "Okay." She grabbed her things and walked out the room. Once she made her way to their lunch table Anne held the apology out to Gilbert, pulled it back added a line, then gave it to him.

Dear Gilbert,

I truly apologize for hitting you with my book. It was wrong and inexcusable... Again I apologize for my actions, it will never happen again.

Sincerely, Anne
P.S. I don't actually forgive you, for ANYTHING, I just needed to get out of lunch detention.

Gilbert looked up at her, but she was already engaged in conversation with the group. He'd have to apologize another time.

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