Jane & Prissy

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"2 minutes!" Anne giggled, Jane put a finger to her lip, "Shh, we can't wake up my mom. We were supposed to be sleeping an hour ago." Anne rolled her eyes, "As if Billy goes to bed at 11." Jane shrugged, "He actually does. I guess being an idiot is tiring." The girls laughed, continuing to talk about all the idiotic things Billy's done. "That girl I met on the bus, Amaya, was hilarious on the phone with him. She nicknamed him Basic Name Billy." Jane laughed, "I swear Billy and Jane are two of the most basic names ever. It's like my parents ran out of ideas after Prissy."

Anne smiled sweetly, "Priscilla, it's a really pretty name." Anne glanced at the time, one minute. "Has Prissy figured out where she's going to college next year?" Jane shrugged, "I know she's still waiting for some schools, but she's definitely been more of the silent type, especially after-" Jane stopped herself. Anne sat a little closer, "What happened?" Jane looked away, "Mr. Phillips did something to her. Something really bad and my parents managed to cover it up like always. They have Mr. Phillips making monthly payments and he keeps his job." Anne looked to the door. Down the hall, to the right, and three doors down, Prissy's room. She never really spoke to Prissy, but she was playing Friar John in the play.

"Oh start it now!" Anne smiled, they were making a TikTok for Jane's birthday. The video started and Jane held her laptop, I just turned 14 and I think this year I'm gonna be, hold on hold on hold on, can we switch the language, the clock said 12, cause when you're 15! The girls laughed as they watched the video back. "Happy Birthday Jane!" Anne giggled, hugging her friend.

The door opened, "Can you guys shut up?" Billy groaned, in his Star Wars pajamas. Jane rolled her eyes, pushed him out, and shut the door. "Star Wars?" Anne asked with a smirk. Jane nodded, "Oh yeah, my family are huge Star Wars fans. Dad makes large donations to their productions, so he can watch movies that are of quality." Anne smiled, "I didn't take you all for the sci-fi types. I mean your the second richest family in New York, the Blythe-Barry's are obviously first, but seriously you guys seem like you would be a lot more pretentious than them."

Jane shrugged, "Who said were not. My parents basically gave up trying after it was clear their terror twins wouldn't live up to Prissy's legacy." The girls laughed, "You and Billy were that bad?" Jane nodded, "Two words. Prank. War."

"Your parents still think of Prissy that way too? After everything." Jane nodded, "Oh yeah and it's crazy because no one knows what happened, obviously I'm not victim blaming, but as the wonderful Hamilton soundtrack goes 'No one else was in the room where it happened'" Anne looked at her friend who had an underlying sad look on her face, she just wants her sister to be okay, "Let's get some sleep. It may be your birthday, but we still have school." Jane rolled her eyes and turned off the light, "Night, Anne." "Night."

The next morning, the girls woke up to a huge breakfast in the dining room, "Told you were pretentious," Jane whispered smirking. The girls sat down at the table with Jane's parents, Billy, and Prissy. "Good Morning girls and Happy Birthday Jane," Mrs. Andrews said. The rest of her family nodded to Jane as though it meant they wished her the same. "Thank you," Jane muttered.

They ate, Anne had toast and some eggs. She was sitting across from Prissy who had her eyes on her food the entire time. It grossed her out that some one could have that much power over the girl. How he could completely change her life and make her a whole different person.

At school, Anne had limited classes with Jane, but they made a point of seeing each other multiple times in between classes to continue their conversations, "No, Moody literally just told Billy at lunch that he likes Diana!" Jane said rushed. "Oh my goodness! I wish my dear Diana was talking to me right now, so we could talk about this momentous point." Jane laughed, "I wouldn't call Moody liking her momentous. She doesn't even like him back."

In Chemistry, multiple people were whispering and looking at Diana and she looked absolutely uncomfortable. "I wish I could help her Jane," Anne sighed looking at the somewhat distressed look on Diana's face. "So help her."

"She's not talking to me." Anne sighed. "Who said you have to talk to her to help her." Jane shrugged, stuffing a cookie into her mouth. Anne looked at Diana, How do I even know how to help, if I can't talk to her. Jane continued, "I mean spring break is next week and we're all gonna be in Avonlea. Just talk to Moody to turn his love down a bit, I mean if her mom hears she'll be fuming." Avonlea.

A/n hope you enjoyed this chapter and check out the next chapter of my hp series tomorrow byeee

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