The Closet

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The two were in the closet for about a  minute when, Gilbert asked, "So, what should we do?" Anne looked at him. "I have a few ideas." Before Anne could even speak again, Gilbert kissed her.

Anne was shocked, but not opposed. When they pulled away, Anne smiled and said, "I was thinking a quick round of Uno since it's on the top shelf but that's fine too." Gilbert looked up, "Oh sorry-"

"Gilbert, I said it was fine." Anne reassured him. They still had some time left and it was spent standing the closet awkwardly in their thoughts. Anne couldn't believe that happened. She was also thinking of suggesting the do that, but she never imagined it would happen where Gilbert just went for the kiss.

Nonetheless, they both liked it, they both knew the other liked it, and had no idea what that meant for them. "Gilbert?" He looked up. "What exactly does this mean?" Gilbert shrugged his shoulders. "What should it mean?" Anne rolled her eyes playfully, "I think-"

"Times up." Ruby said opening the door. Anne and Gilbert walked out silently. "So, what happened in there?" Cole asked. "We talked." Anne said. "And?" "Talked some more." Anne said again. The game of truth or dare continued on until every one went and Billy was bored again.

"Lets set up our beds and watch a movie." Diana suggested. Everyone agreed and began to set up. Anne didn't realize who was on the other side of her until she finished.

Anne saw Gilbert and smiled. He smiled back. Soon all the makeshift beds were set up and everyone was comfortable. "Okay, what should we watch." Diana asked. "Nothing scary I hope." Ruby said. Anne chuckled, "What's the matter Rubs can't handle a scare." Ruby sat up and glared at Anne who shrugged. "The Shining." Ruby said, eyes fixated on Anne. "Let's watch The Shining."

Diana set up the movie while feeling the intense glares of Ruby and Anne from either side of her. Just as she was about to start the movie Diana asked, "Anne could you help me get the snacks." The girls got up and went into the kitchen.

"Okay what is that." Diana whispered. Anne looked confused, "What is what?" "This whole thing with Ruby. I thought everything was fixed." Anne shrugged, "I don't know, Ruby isn't giving me a sense of it's fixed. I merely asked if she couldn't handle a scare. If we waited a second more, I'm sure Josie would have said it instead."

"Alright, but Anne please chill out with it. I don't want fighting tonight." Anne looked at her best friend and nodded. They got the snacks and brought them back to the rest of the group. "Diana I thought you said there would be cookies." Josie asked. Diana and Anne looked at Gilbert, "Gilbert ate them." The rest of the group groaned and Gilbert rolled his eyes.

Soon enough the movie was started. Anne could have sworn she had seen Ruby trembling out if the corner of her eye, but she didn’t make a note of it for Diana's sake. Further into the movie, Anne started to get bored. She had seen this movie hundreds of times and it began to bore her.

She got up and went into the kitchen for a drink. When she saw Clover run down from upstairs, with all the drama Anne completely forgot she brought her dog with her. "Hey, Clover, what have you been up to." Anne picked up her puppy and proceeded to the kitchen table. It was only when she sat down that she realized someone had followed her.

"Gilbert? Why aren't you watching the movie?" Gilbert shrugged and sat down, "I've seen it a bunch of times. Why aren't you watching the movie?" Anne continued to pet Clover, "Same reason as you. It's not really that scary  anymore." They sat there for a minute, and Anne was petting Clover.

"What was that with Ruby. I thought me getting coffee with her made everything cool?" Anne looked up at Gilbert and shrugged, "I don't know, but I kinda don't wanna talk about it." Gilbert nodded and looked at Anne.

"So can we talk about the closet." Gilbert asked. Anne smiled remembering the kiss, "I think it meant something, at least to me it did." Gilbert smiled. "But, Gil I'm not so ready for a relationship yet." Gilbert took Anne's hand and nodded, "That's fine I'll wait. We can be exclusive, but not in a relationship. I won't date anyone and we'll wait until your ready." Anne pulled Gilbert into a hug.

They rejoined everyone. In the living room after a few more minutes of talking only to find the movie off and everyone asleep. Gilbert laughed, "The movie wasn't anywhere near done." Anne laughed with him, "Whimps." They layer down in their beds on the ground and fell asleep.

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