English Class

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A couple of weeks have past since the sleepover and Anne couldn't be happier. She had Clover, Diana, and best of all Gilbert. Ruby hasn't really been hanging around recently, but Diana thinks she's coming to terms with the fact that her crush needs to fade.

Anne made her way to school with Diana and Gilbert. They were all laughing as they walked into school and Anne saw a poster for the school's winter play auditions. "Hey look," Anne pointed to the poster, "Romeo and Juliet." Diana and Gilbert looked at the poster with Anne.

"We should audition," Diana said, "I can already see it Anne as Juliet, Gil as Romeo." Anne laughed, "I was thinking I was more of a Nurse." Gilbert hugged Anne, "Your my Juliet." Diana awed and led the two over to the groups usual spot.

The past few weeks Anne and Gilbert have been hanging out a lot and Di tags along for the most of it. Anne's her best friend and Gilbert is her brother. They are leaving her with nothing to do.

"Guys we should all audition for the play." Jane said loudly as they approached. "We were actually just talking about it." Gilbert replied. The group kept on discussing the play until the homeroom bell rang. Then Anne and Diana walked to homeroom.

~a homeroom and math class later~

"Class I am sure you have heard about the upcoming play of Romeo and Juliet," Ms. Stacy started, "And so I figured today we can get into groups of 3 and act out short scenes." Anne, Diana, and Gilbert all looked at each other with a knowing look and when Ms. Stacy said to move their desks into groups, Gilbert was the first one to move.

"Okay, Gilbert you're Romeo, I'm the nurse and Anne you're Juliet." Diana said immediately. Anne and Gilbert looked at her face and saw it wasn't up for discussion. When Ms. Stacy walked over to assign them a section after hearing the roles she assigned them 3.2.30 - 3.3.108 and also made Anne, Friar Lawrence when her part as Juliet was done. Ms. Stacy also told them they would be the first once presenting.

Diana and Gilbert worried, but Anne looked scarily calm, "Anne how can you be so calm we have to learn a lot and we present first." Anne grinned, "Well, I know that book like the back of my hand." After that the group got to work, Diana and Gilbert learning their lines and Anne correcting them.

After a half an hour it was time for them to present, "Alright class, settle down. The first group to present will be Gilbert, Anne, and Diana." The trio walked up to the front and Anne began, "Oh here comes my Nurse, And she brings news, and every tounge that speaks But Romeo's name speaks heavenly eloquence..."

~dramatic Anne acting later~

"Doth my name lodge? Tell me that I may sack The hateful masion." And Gilbert ended with taking his pencil out of his pocket as though it was a dagger. The class began to clap, but the bell for lunch ring, so everyone grabbed their stuff and left. "Diana, Anne, Gilbert a moment please." The three walked over to their teacher. "That was the best Romeo, Juliet, and Nurse, I have seen in my 5 years of working here."

The trio smiled and thanked her. "I would like to keep you three in mind for those roles for the real play. Anne then asked, "Your the director?" Ms. Stacy nodded with a smile, "Yup and I am hoping you three are in my play." Anne, Diana, and Gilbert looked at each other and nodded.

"But I still want you to come to the auditions, it is in groups and you chose your scene, so if you three chose to do this one, you may." The trio thanked her again and left the classroom. Diana smiled at Anne, "So Juliet, or should I say Miss "I was thinking I'm more of a Nurse." Anne laughed and the group continued to talk as they walked through the cafeteria and got their lunch.

As they sat down, Billy yelled "Hey lover boy!" Gilbert rolled his eyes and retaliated with throwing a grape right at Billy's forehead. The gang laughed and continued their morning conversation about the play, but adding in the amazing scene Anne, Diana, and Gilbert did in English.

A/n let's all appreciate my 20 day long writers block, sry for making you guys wait. also thx for all the love and reads💞💞💞

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