[Shot Thirteen]♣ His thoughts, Her affection

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Chapter Thirteen

His thoughts, Her Affection
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"Pound it!" Me, Chat Noir and Ladybug bump our fist together after defeating Pharaoh.

"So Milady, wanna hang out with me?" Chat said leaning towards Ladybug, the latter pushed the Black Cat on his forehead before shaking her head

"Sorry Cat but i gotta go" she said and took off, Black Cat purred sadly making me sigh and scratch his chin. His purring made me cooed but i stop myself

"What about you, Milady? Want to go on a date with me?"

"Sorry Kitty, but i have lots to do"

"Meowch! You always neglect my offers" he said holding his chest like something hit him. I playfully pulled both of his cheeks smiling

"Sorry Kitty, But you're only for Ladybug, so gonna go"

And i flew off

Giving Pheoez his snack my phone suddenly ring. I went to my desk looking at the caller, and seeing it's Adrien i answered.
"Hello Cathy, can you come here tonight?" I heard his voice from the other line. My brows furrowed before i ask why. Of course, i wouldn't just go without reasons you know

"I need someone to talk to" i pouted at his tone before agreeing.

"Ok" i said.

Since it's already 8:38 in the evening(20:38) i know my father won't allow me to go out. Looking at Pheoez who just finished his food, i said
"Pheoez Ignite"

You damn brat! Why would you suddenly transform?! Can't you ask for permission first?!

His words boom making me wince. I'm sorry Pheoez. Sighing i opened the balcony, the wind howling in the night of Paris. I really like the night here, with all the city lights that can be seen when i fly in the sky was giving me nostalgic feeling of my life back in my world.

opening and closing my wings giving it a warm up i run, jumping towards the railings before giving my feet a boost in the air. I glided down the city streets, before flying high.
It would risk my identity if i casually do this but tonight all i want is to have fun.

the harsh hit of the wind in my face made me smile. This is all i ever wanted --- to fly and gain freedom. When i can feel my exhaustion kicking in, rounded a corner and entered an alley just near the Agreste Mansion

"Pheoez Return"

"You damn brat, i will make you pay!" He snapped at me making me giggle before kissing him.
His eyes became droopy before he finally fell asleep.

Putting him in a secret pocket of my vest i walk towards the large and towering gate.

Ding dong

"Who's this?" Nathalie's voice said in the intercom
I said my name before the gate opened. I entered and all i saw is what i left when i came here weeks ago.
I took a step forward before taking another, my flats hitting the concrete of the Agreste's stair. When i reached the top i pushed the elegant door, surprised when i saw Adrien their.

"Hey" i softly greeted, the blonde smiled at me shyly which made me look down before i felt his hand grasping mine.
"Come on"

I was pulled, Nathalie looking at us when we pass through her. My feet tried to keep up with his pace. Along the way i couldn't take my eyes of the Family Portrait hanging on the wall. Why didn't i notice it earlier? I have been here many times during my childhood days (physically of course).

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