[Shot Thirty] ♣ Chat Noir Visits

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When you realize that you've reach this far... 🎉🎉🎉 Ahhh, I'm so happy i might cry

And here we are guys! Chapter 30 and no it's not yet the end.

Hope you enjoy!!<3

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Chapter Thirty

Chat Noir Visits
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After hanging out with Lila. Cathy went home, making herself inconspicuous as possible when she entered the hotel.
After what happened yesterday, and maybe the class knowing she would quit school, seeing a classmate would be awkward and maybe it might make her hesitate her decision.

When she entered her room, she sighed in relief before she tensed up

'someone's here'

Clenching her fist, she reach for the light switch and turn it on.


She covered her chest with her palm and leaned on the door in fear when she saw someone laying on the bed. Black suit? check. Black mask? Affirmative, black ears and black tail? Why of course!

It's Chat Noir snoring softly on her bed. The glass door slightly open letting some wind in. Sighing in relief, Cathy sneak on Chat Noir before peering down on him.

Smiling mischievously, Cathy poked Chat Noir's cheeks and she receive no reaction. Once again, she poke him and this time, Chat Noir crunch his eye brows and nose and she giggled at the cute reaction.

'try pulling his cheeks'

Pheoez suggested and Cathy nodded. Smiling to herself, she tried to pull hi right cheek with her right hand.

"W-what are you doing?" A hand caught hers and she look at Chat Noir's eyes, now slightly open and staring at her. Blushing that she was caught, she pulled her hand and move backward stuttering, trying to explain herself.


In the end, Cathy look down and twiddle with her fingers.

"S'fine... Uhh what time is it?" Chat Noir ask with his voice slightly hoarse and she quickly look at the clock on the wall.

"It's 7:28" Chat Noir sighed and lay there motionless before he look at Cathy.

"Where were you?"

"I was with a friend"

And there was silence. Cathy curiously move beside him and look down at his tired face.

'poor Kitty'

She sigh in pity before she unconsciously put her hand on his hair and playing with it. Chat Noir froze, unsure what he would do before he finally relax, purring.
Cathy woke up from her daze and she pull her hand away—

"Don't stop..." Chat Noir stop her and so she hesitatingly return her hand back and played with his hair again.

"Why are you here, Kitty?"

"Visiting" Cathy nodded and she stare at his face. His eyes are now close, but she know he's still awake. Taking this chance, Cathy look at his face with awe, memorizing every bits of it.

"Done staring, Milady?" She flinch

"I'm so—"

"No need... It's fine" but Cathy didn't sneak any look at him after that. They were silent, her playing with his blonde locks and him quietly listening to their breathings. It was relaxing, both find it comfortable. And unknowingly, Chat Noir finally doze off.

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