[Shot Twenty-five] ♣ Group Project

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Group Project
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"As you all know, Mayor Bourgeois and his men will come up with a new project during Summer. Now, as a student of this Institution, Mayor Bourgeois himself requested for your opinion about this matter. In two weeks, i want you to make a miniature structure of what you want to be build the most. The winner will be rewarded and also receive an A-plus during exam without a hitch"

The class murmured amongst each other excitedly and waited for Ms. Bustier to assign their team.
In case they won this, then they wouldn't do the exam anymore, who wouldn't want that?

"Last Group will be, Marinette, Alya, Adrien, Nino, Cathy and Chloe. I had group you like this since it's faster to finish this project between people you are more familiar with. Now assemble and discuss before dismissal"

Marinette and Alya high five, while Nino and Adrien smiled at one another. On the other side, Chloe rolled her eyes at them before sending Cathy a wink.

Their Group gathered—more like Cathy and Chloe standing besides Adrien's  desk.

"Let's get this over with" Chloe grunt and look at her nails seemingly uninterested. Cathy nudge her of course but the girl didn't throw her a single glance.

Alya on the side laugh before clapping her hands getting their attention.

"Why don't we discuss this tonight instead?"

"And where, Alya?" Marinette ask

Alya then look at Marinette and thought that Marinette wouldn't like it if it will be in their house that's why she look at the four.

"Sorry guys, home's crowded" Alya explained

"Me too" Nino seconded

Adrien and Cathy look at each other and Cathy gave an apologetic smile

"What about my room?"

"Good! Less trouble" Chloe said and retreated back to her seat. Cathy smiled before also going back to hers leaving the four behind.

"Cool, so let's meet at the lobby at 4" Adrien said


"Have you prepared the snacks?" Cathy ask their butler. The man standing prim and proper nodded before he went to get the foods

Cathy finally saw the door opened and reveal four people talking. She saw Adrien and Marinette talking and of course Alya and Nino joking around

"You're finally here!" Cathy exclaimed and went to them

"Come on!" She said and lead the way to her room.
At the entrance of the elevator,they saw Chloe leaning as if waiting for them

"Tch!" Chloe haughtily look away and opened the elevator. Cathy entered and thank her sister and waited for the others to enter

While they wait, Nino sends a text to Adrien.

'whassup with Chloe?'— Nino

'i don't know'

Adrien replied and glance at Chloe. Oddly, the girl didn't jump on him, hug him nor show any signs of possessiveness. It's as if, she doesn't like him at all, well of course Adrien would be glad if Chloe is changing.

"Your room is Cool!" Alya praised and look around.

Cathy's room was colored with cream, the floor black and white like a chess board and there was a king size bed on the side, a big drawer and a second like floor where you pull the stairs from the drawer like.

Cathy grinned and scratch her cheeks before leading them to the second floor where they can see the streets.

"Here take a seat, I'm just gonna call someone to bring the snacks" the five seated on a white semi-circle couch.

While waiting, Alya started the discussion.

"So let's talk about what we like the most. For us to know which to put in our so call building" she said taking out a pad paper


"Uhh, a gaming room i guess?" Alya nodded and scribble it down


"Me? Well first of all i like a spa, who wouldn't? Then there's a parlor, a hair salon, then a room filled with latest clothe designs then shoe—"

"Ok, ok" Alya sweat drop but write it down nonetheless.

"What about you, Adrien?" Alya wink at Marinette

"Me? I —"

"We're here!" Cathy said with the butler holding a tray on both hands.
Alya giggle while Marinette looked disappointed.

The butler-y person put down the tray, and opened it to show a lot of confectioneries varying from macaroons and cupcakes and of course there's also a tea waiting for them downstairs (still in Cathy's room)

"You made this?" Alya ask biting it, before pulling her phone and taking a picture — sneaking some few shots of Adrien for Marinette

"Here Adrien, eat this"

"I'm not all—"

Cathy giggled and flick Adrien's forehead with a small pink tint on her cheeks

"Silly, i didn't add much sweets on it knowing Uncle Gabriel would get mad" she smiled. Adrien stared a few moments before smiling and taking the food from her


"No probs!.... Now.." she clap her hand and look at them

"What were you guys talking about?"
Alya gulp before explaining it to Cathy.

Cathy then nodded and became quiet thinking properly.

"While waiting for Cathy, why don't we continue with Adrien?"

Adrien look at her and nod "sure"

"Well i like music, and being free? Is that ok, Alya?"

"Yes, yes, it's fine" Alya enthusiastically said.


The girl blush under their gaze before looking down at her fiddling fingers

"I like designing and baking"

Alya nodded and wrote before finally at Cathy

"I like art. Specifically drawing, painting and photography"


Adrien and Nino seated in front of the screen playing something, Marinette also joins them.

Alya and Cathy huddled together on the second floor talking.

"I think, Art Gallery would fit the best. Since Nino like gaming, we can make an illusion on the entrance, and our building should be shape an instrument for Adrien. The function of this building isn't yet important since we were told to make a miniature then, let's prioritize the construction"
Cathy seriously explained and tried to draw examples

Alya look awed before giving Cathy a thumbs up "you're awesome!" She cheered and took her phone, taking a picture of everyone.

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A/n: ugh, this chappy is trashy.. i swear.
Anyway this is just a filler, not important chapter

The room of Cathy... Uh i just saw it on facebook, tiktok compilation I can't really remember the detail but hope you can imagine it

Hope you enjoy

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