[ Author's Note(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。]

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Hey guys! It's me...

I know it's been more or less than a month since I —your pretty author(*ehem*) publish a chapter.

And while I'm scrolling earlier on my phone, i read this comment if i will still continue this story.

The answer?

Yes, don't worry i won't abandon either of my stories. After school finish maybe I'll update more and probably I'm going to post a schedule. But as of now April 4,2020 i won't.
There are few reasons that i didn't update

First, school. Yes, I'm having lots and lots of activities and sometimes I'm lazy to do it. But oh gosh, the expectations of my family🤦.

Second, my laptop. Few weeks earlier it wasn't working so i needed to wait for my uncle to visit so he can fix it which he did last week, Then the saved LB&CN series disappeared so you know... i need to download it again.. *sigh*

Third... I'm lazy😆😆. I like sleeping a lot, so that's why i woke up at noon then sleep after three hours then woke up at 8 in the evening and sleep at dawn.

Anyway enough with this.. and i hope everyone's fine.

Signing out Kringle♪♪(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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