I look around, utterly distraught. The first thing I notice is Ron and Harry, near the main doors of the ballroom as they are sucked into a nasty duel with Rookwood. He's powerful, to say the least. I can't imagine the power and experience he wields. After all, he is pretty much prehistorically old. Not to mention, he's furious. Just like Cole. Two pissed off death eaters, and I don't doubt their power for a second. 

I turn back to Malfoy, who's still feuding with Remington, and things are slowly beginning to escalate all around me. I try to think. I rack my brain for ideas, but it feels impossible to remain clearheaded. My whole body is trying to ignore this throbbing pain. My head pounds. My hands shake. I look around beginning to panic as I realize I have no idea where my wand is. 

I scan the ground, amidst the rubble of broken glass, chairs, table cloths, and food. So much fucking food. My eyes fall over the ebony wand and my heart leaps. Everyone is too preoccupied to pay attention to me as I dive for my wand. 

I snatch it off the ground, gaining a death grip on the slender piece of wood. My mind is running in circles. "Back to save the day Ashwood? Or are you just going to try to kill everyone in the room again?" Cole sneers as he continues to duel Malfoy, impressively speaking while blocking every one of the spells plummeting towards him. 

"Shut your damn mouth," I growl. 

"Watch your anger levels darling, don't want another one of those nasty explosions," He laughs. 

I want to strangle him. I want to watch him hurt, and the thought terrifies me. But I restrain myself, something I didn't do before. I take a deep breath. I tell myself his words don't matter, that I'm only letting him win by giving him his desired reaction. 

And I will not let him win. Not anymore. Because now, he's outnumbered. I point my wand towards him. "Now, this is hardly a fair fight Ashwood," Cole says with a mocking frown, looking between Malfoy and me as we both have our wands pointed at him. "Haven't you heard Remington, life just isn't fair," I snark back. This time the confidence isn't fake. I'm mad. I'm tired. I just reunited with my Father and saw him for maybe five minutes. I am so beyond this stupid fight. 

Before another word is said, Malfoy fires a spell at him, thinking it'll catch him off guard, but Remington immediately blocks it as he immediately hurls a hex in return. The act is unexpected, surprising Malfoy, slamming right into him as he is catapulted to the ground. 

Damn. Everyone is just getting thrown around today. 

Cole slowly, and triumphantly turns to me. "Looks like it's just the two of us now," He grins. "Lucky me," I drawl out. My dark hair falls in front of my face, and I look up at him with all the rage in the world, concentrated between my two eyes. 

"Go ahead Ashwood," He begins, as he slowly starts to circle around me. "Make the first move," he smirks. I scan my surroundings. I strain my mind to find anything, any sort of idea at how I should go about this. What my first move should be. 

I harden my eyes at him, before I act rapidly, "Confringo!" I shout. Orange flames burst from the tip of my wand, launching straight at Cole. He acts quickly, as expected, producing a shield from the fire. The flames hit the invisible shield, they roll over the top of the bubble-like formation before disappearing completely. 

"Alright Ashwood, I see how it is," He sighs out, that same evil look never-fading once from the depths of his eyes. 

And so it begins, what feels like an endless duel as the two of us throw spell after spell, blocking each one. Sometimes his spells are too strong for my weak shields and I stumble back several steps. We move around the room, dodging each burst of light. 

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now