"Yes sir," the Greek man replied shortly before grabbing my hand and leading me the rest of the way towards his car.

Upon buckling up, I frowned at Giorgi and grabbed his hand again.

"You okay?" He asked me softly.

"No. My heart's beating like crazy" I scoffed.

"Yeah, mine too... You really surprised me. I didn't think you'd punch her."

"I didn't either. I surprised myself... Her face is so hard," I growled.

Giorgi chuckled as he started his car and lifted my hand to kiss my knuckles before driving towards the exit of the parking lot.

We stopped at a police station on our way home and explained our troubles with Tammy and our thoughts on her possibly being behind Lola's crash and Yuri's injuries, and a few officers and detectives said that they'd look into it and let us know if they found out anything.

Giorgi was displeased with their words but I, on the other hand, was excited. The sooner they investigated Tammy, the quicker she'd be out of our lives.

"And, just so that I know I have the story right," a man in a suit began, glancing up at Giorgi from his notepad. "This Tammy person is targeting your little brother because she's infatuated with him?"

We never said that we were brothers...?

"What? Where did you get 'little brother'?" My boyfriend scoffed. "Tammy is stalking my boyfriend," he said while raising our interlaced fingers. "Because she's obsessed with him."

"Ahhh, I see, I see. Sorry about that," the man in the suit muttered. "Alright. So, you guys are how old?"

"What?" I mumbled. "What does that have to with—"

"Cameron's sixteen and I'm eighteen," Giorgi lied. "Tammy's, like, nineteen or twenty."

I hid my confusion as best as I could and trusted Giorgi. He wasn't the type to lie just for the fun of it, so I trusted that he had been executing a plan.

"Yikes," an officer chuckled quietly.

"What," I inquired, staring at the man. "Why did you laugh? What's funny?"

The man in the suit and Giorgi had turned their attention onto me and the officer that'd laughed, and waited for his response.

"No, no, I didn't laugh. I was just scoffing," the officer said.

"Why," Giorgi asked angrily. "What, you think it's funny that we, as two guys, are telling the police about a woman stalking us?"

"How tall is the woman? What would you say her weight is?" The officer asked.

"She's an inch shorter than me," I answered.

"Did you guys already ask her to stop bothering you, or—"

Giorgi had silently pulled me away from the officer, and led me towards the exit of the police station. "Gio? Babe," I started quietly, taking short, rapid steps to keep up with his long, angry stomps. "Where are we going?"

"They're not going to help us," he scoffed as he pushed the door open for me.

"What?! Why not?! Did they tell you that?! How come they won't—"

"They're homophobes. They're just gonna put our situation to the side until someone gets hurt. Come on," my boyfriend said simply, nudging me to walk out of the open door.

"Wait, but what does that mean? They're going to wait until one of us gets hurt," I questioned.

"Yup," Giorgi answered plainly.

"So we're going to take care of her by ourselves," I asked as I finally stepped through the door.



I hope you enjoyedddd!!!

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