"It's alright" I said to her but she shook her head as more tears trailed out her eyes

"Two people means extra amount of affection, extra amount of possesiveness, I can't do that ..." She sighed as she leaned back on my bed stairing at the ceiling

"What do I do?" She wants advice.

I can give advice, right?

'be smart' came my demons voice in my head.

"I may not personally know what it's like to be in this situation but I know for certain that everything will work out" I told her as I gave her a smile.

"When I lost my dad I thought that was the end for me, but look at me now I have a mate, who's also the prince, and i'm okay, sometimes great" I've just totally trailed off the whole point

"My point is, is that, everything will eventually fall into place, yes everything will be doubled with your mates but you where made for them, no one else" she sat up and stared at me as she nodded agreeing with me.

"Sure it might be strange at first but your in charge, if you don't want to rush things with them, don't, if they care about you them they'll wait and be patient" I spoke as I got up and headed to my closet where my secret stash of gummy bears where.

"Your right" she said, thank fuck she listened

I walked out the closet with a full bag of gummy bears.

I sat down in bed and opened them up before putting a handful in my mouth

"Can I have some?" Amy asked as she put her hand out.

"Never" I said as I turned away from her

Then she tried again but I dodged her and stood up ready to bolt at any opportunity needed.

And seemed it was a good thing too, cause next thing I new was she lunged at me.

I made fast movement and dodge her before bolting out my room and in the direction of my mate.

Cause he can save me...right?

I used my demon speed so I got to the living room faster than the speed of light, which is around 299,792,458 mps.

Very fast I know, don't even ask why I remember that either cause I can't remember.

Once I was in the living room I saw Trojan holding the twins up against the wall by there necks as his eyes turned to obsidian.

I couldn't help but stop and admire him.

Why does he always have to be so fucking sexy.

"Talk about my mate one more fucking time and your dead" Trojan spat out angrily which only made me feel slightly damp down there.

Fucking hell why does he have to have this effect on me.

As if sensing my presence he looked at me before looking back at the twins who where turning blue from lack of oxygen.

Even though it can't kill them, doesn't mean it won't feel like their dying.

"Cartel, save me" I said as it seemed Trojan was to bothered with the twins.

demon Princes mate | COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now