"No, we don't."


"No, really, Atif! We don't have any unfinished business. No matter how much both of us try to make ourselves believe otherwise."

"We never talked it out."

"We didn't have to. Look, I sometimes made it look like I was expecting more from you and wanted you to take sides that time. I know I implied it knowingly or unknowingly. But whenever things go wrong we need someone to blame. I also did the same. Blaming you for not standing up for me. But that was in the past. Now, when I think of it, I would've felt worse if you'd stood by me that time because my answer still won't change. I had made a choice, Atif and I firmly stand by it even now. I don't blame you anymore for anything. It was on me. All on me. So if you're here because of some pent up regret, just don't. You weren't the one to make the last call. I was. And I did."

Atif was expecting this. She was honest here as she'd always been with her dealings.

"I won't deny that for a long time I did feel bad for not being able to sort things out that time. I still do. But I'm here not just because of that regret. There's something else as well. I miss us."

Bisma's eyes widened for a millisecond and then they narrowed.

"Excuse me?"

"We were good friends before everything went downhill for us. You, Issa and I. We were inseparable, remember? Sharing everything with each other. Being the support the other needed. I first lost you because after parting ways you never looked back and then I lost Issa as well. By the rule we should've still been those friends, Bisma but we aren't. We got lost somewhere and I feel that very much. Lately, more so than ever."

"Our story has had its deserving ending, Atif."

"And our friendship? We were always more than just two people who were in love. We had so much more, Bisma and I feel right now we need each other as friends more than ever. Our struggles in life are same. We've lost people close to us. We both have kids entering into the bigger world out there and they happen to be great friends just like we once were and we both are always surrounded by people due to our work commitments but in reality we're so lonely. You don't understand it but we need each other as friends more than we ever did. "

Bisma opened her mouth to contradict him in any capacity she could but the truth was, she just couldn't. He was right as always. She might've never showed it but she often felt lonely even though she didn't want to. He had his life panned out for him almost she had hers for her and that was the indication enough but she was obviously ignoring it.

"I know there's a lot of baggage and things we aren't yet ready to sort out but think about it. You and I both need each other like we always did. Somewhere the Atif and Bisma from back in time aren't as different from Atif and Bisma of today. "

Just not in love because love faded away somewhere in the dust of life. Bisma wanted to point out but didn't. Atif had gotten up from his seat.

"I hope you'll think about it. Take care of yourself."


"Bye, Bisma."

Her eyes followed him till he was out of the door. She had known this man since she was just a kid. He was her introduction to friendship, companionship, and love. It wasn't easy leaving him behind when it came to choosing between her self and losing the sense of who she was by becoming someone else to please people associated to him. She had no regrets on how their story ended but she'd always regret how it was never about just losing a love. It was losing a friendship which had stood the tests of times. It was losing someone she trusted with her life. Because they hadn't been the same after the fallout. They couldn't remain friends or the friends they once were. They were civil to each other. Still gave each other the needed advice whenever it was needed. If Bisma didn't trust him she would never approve of Hesham for Safwa. But still things had changed a lot. And Bisma was realizing it with its full force.

Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] CompleteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang