"This way, honey." His mother said as she took him by the hand and carried him with her. Jungkook got carried away, still immersed in the inside look of the store; its lighting and decoration capturing him.

In reality, its architecture was not that different from other buildings, and yet he could not take his eyes off it. There was something about the environment that made him seem different, gave him a sense of serenity and excitement, something that his mind still could not process more deeply. Once in front of the counter, Jungkook looked around while his mother spoke with the shop assistant.

On the right side of the store, which is where they were standing, there were a couple of armchairs and a coffee table with several magazines on top, probably related to jewellery and precious stones. The U-shaped counter was made in light brown wood, with different brochures and the occasional minimalist decoration.

On the left side were a couple of paintings and a large archway that led into a spacious hall. From his position he couldn't see much; a pair of glass urns whose contents, Jungkook assumed, were precious stones, and a kind of plaque at the bottom of each. At the back of the store, there were several doors, all of them closed and with no inscriptions, so there was nothing for him to pry.

Looking back at the counter, Jungkook paid attention to the conversation between his mother and the shop assistant. It was his first time coming to a site like this, so he thought he might as well absorb as much information as possible.

Apparently, the business had two interconnected functions. While the primary function was to offer various types of precious stones (or gems) that, after special treatment, would find your soul mate, the other function of the business was like that of a jewellery store. Although a gem received special treatment intending to turn it into a stone of destiny or jewel of destiny (the one you would use to find your soul mate), you could also apply another totally different treatment, which would serve solely and only to enhance the qualities associated with a certain stone, and thus be able to use it accordingly. Best of all, the acquisition of a stone of destiny or jewel of destiny was free.

"Hana-ssi will be with you in a few minutes. You can wait in the waiting area or, if you prefer, you can browse our collection in the showroom." The young woman said with a smile as she waved her hand towards the living room.

She decided once his mother turned and walked in the living's direction room with a determined look on her face, her eyes shining with determination. His mother told him she wanted to get a gem with the qualities so that her sister Hye would regain the desire to reconnect with human society.

"It is not healthy to be locked in your room all day doing nothing."

Her mother had said through an explanation. Jungkook understood his Aunt Hye.

He didn't have much reason to leave his room himself. Yes, he had classmates, and sometimes he would meet them in a park or an arcade, but they were not actually his friends. It was not something that worried him; he had always been a reserved boy and enjoyed his time alone with his drawings.

His mother eventually ended up deciding on an Amazonite which was turquoise mixed with white, the effect of which was to provide a calm emotional state by eliminating negative thoughts. With this, she hoped that at least Hye would come out to get some air and catch the sun. It couldn't be healthy to be so pale.

"Excellent decision, Eunji. As always." His mother turned with a smile to the person who was now next to them.

"Hana! Right on time. As always." The informal relationship between the two women did not go unnoticed by Jungkook. "Do you think I have to combine it with another?"

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