Chapter - 1

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"Do you already know which one to choose?"

"I do not know." Jungkook looked out the car window, not focusing his gaze on a particular point. "I guess anyone is fine."

Beside him, his mother frowned but remained silent. This surprised the young man, but a song that played on the radio quickly distracted him. He continued to stare out the window as he hummed in time to the song, his fingers tapping the beat against her thighs.

Obviously, he should have known that the quiet was short-lived. They were almost close to the store they were going to, they just needed to make a right turn, park and enter. But of course, just at that same moment, fate decided that it would be a good idea for the traffic light to turn red.

"Tell me what is bothering you." Her mother hadn't even taken her eyes off the road. Jungkook had two options; the first was playing crazy and pretending he didn't know what she was talking about, which was likely to not work, and the second option was telling the truth. But how do you tell your mother that ​​ending up in the same situation as your aunt scares you? "Jungkook, I can hear you thinking from here. Come on, let it go." (❄️... sorry, couldn't help it😁)

While she spoke the first part of the sentence with a touch of concern, the last words were sharper, and not because of the intensity with which she spoke them. No, his mother rarely raised her voice. She was more of the type to tell you to fuck off with a smile and a look that challenged you to contradict her. It was terrifying. So I decided.

"I don't want to go through the same thing as Aunt Hye." The words rushed out of his mouth. Jungkook ran his fingers along the edge of his shirt in an act of nervousness. When he finally dared to look at his mother, she was looking at him. Her brown eyes did not leave Jungkook's, as if she was searching for something, or perhaps confirming that he was telling the truth.

"Agreed." his mother said after a sigh. "I wouldn't talk about it yet, but since it affects you so much, I think the best thing is to take the bull by the horns." 

At this Jungkook's eyes widened, almost comically, but he kept silent and swallowed hard. 

"I propose a deal. Something very simple. I want you to focus only and only on looking for the gemstone that you like the most or that catches your attention when you enter that store. In return, when we get home we will talk about that ... incident. Do you think you can do that for me?" 

Jungkook just nodded, getting a smile out of his mother. 

"Perfect." She said as she stroked his cheek lovingly. As if it were a sign.

To say that the store was spacious and well organized was an understatement. From the outside, it might appear that it was like another store specializing in selling gemstones. Like others, it had a small window with various products on offer, and the most exquisite, all placed and decorated to attract the attention of the passerby. At the top lived the sign with the name of the store. Destiny Stone. It was simple and easy to remember. Nothing too pompous. From afar, the letters appeared to be a golden colour that stood out against the red colour of the storefront. But once you were closer, and you looked closely, you could appreciate that in fact, the letters were not gold, but different colours that varied depending on where you looked from; almost like a rainbow.

Once inside, the simplicity was behind us, and the spaciousness of the interior was immense. It resembled the lobby of the corporate building where his father worked, though that's where the similarities ended. It didn't even look like other department stores or shopping malls Jungkook had been to. He just took his breath away and despite looking like an idiot for staring at his surroundings with his mouth open, he didn't care. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that at 12 he was still as impressionable as a 5-year-old.

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