The next day...

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Yan walked into stardust's room to go tell him it was time to eat only to pause, stardust wasn't in his room anymore.

Uh oh..yan thought and went to go get soulless and shattered.

"Guys, stardust isn't in his room anymore." Yan told them and they both got up to go see.

They looked around the room, they didn't notice anything off besides the bed looking like it did yesterday.

Shattered felt dismayed, did this dream not love him as a brother? That was until shattered looked up and saw stardust and panicked a bit at seeing his new brother hanging upside down without anything being there to do that with.

Which made the other two look up, soulless wondered how that happened. Yan was like how the f*** did he get up there!?

Shattered carefully moved his tentacles to grab stardust from the ceiling. He carefully grabbed stardust into his arms with a relieved smile on his face which startled the other two before they went into their kitchen.

When stardust felt himself being moved, he allowed himself to wake up and see shattered.

"Oh hey shattered." Stardust said with small yawn.

"How did you get up there?" Shattered questioned stardust who blinked a few times while looking a bit confused before he remembered where he fell asleep last night.

"Oh right, I don't know actually. I was feeling bored and I got up there to help with my boredom." Stardust told shattered who looked resigned a  bit.

Though shattered carried stardust to the kitchen to eat.

After they all finished eating, stardust wandered around a bit, wondering what else was different with this multiverse compared to his own.

~ a few days later~

A portal opened up and to stardust's surprise, he saw his brother but not as corrupted? Ehh...was this multiverse nightmare? Stardust thought staring wide eyes at this nightmare and his gang who walked through the portal only to stop and stare at stardust in surprise.

"So you must be shattered's brother? Hi! I'm also Dream but from a different multiverse. You may call me stardust!" Stardust told them cheerfully, causing nightmares gang to blink.

"Uh stardust? Why stardust?" This Nightmare asked stardust who blinked.

"Oh star is for the star sans after I just joined recently and the dust part...uh is a secret unless you want to know my past?" Stardust said thoughtfully and unknown to them at the time, shattered and his two friends appeared out of range for them to notice right away but can still listen in.

"Oh huh sure. So what's different with your multiverse?" This Nightmare said and before stardust said anything about his past, he frowned a bit.

Stardust could tell shattered and his friends were listening in, he will allow it anyway since they both should know what could have happened.

"Before I can say anything, can you give me a nickname to call you? I don't want to say this nightmare and his gang all the time." Stardust told them and they all blinked, yes even shattered's group blinked.

"Oh uh call me lightmare." This nightmare aka lightmare said.

"Uh bloodaxe." Horror aka bloodaxe said with a hint of confusion.

"Just call me blast." Dust aka blast told me with a grin.

"Hmm. X will do just fine." Cross aka x said thoughtfully.

"Just tar will be fine." Killer aka tar told me smiling.

"Hmm...just call me strings, it's what I use anyway." Error aka strings told me without a smile on his face.

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