Dream dreams about Back...home?

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I was sleeping..I knew that but...why was I dreaming about back home with our tree and everything.

Even the flipping villagers where in my dream, I didn't like it, not one bit. Except...why were the villagers being nice to me and not my brother in my dream? What..is this what happened in the original dreamtale in another multiverses or was this supposed to happen in mine?

I wondered as I watched from outside of my body who moved and talked by itself like it wasn't my body but..someone else's... am I seeing someone else's life right now or is this what was supposed to happen to us?

I don't know yet but I didn't like it at all...it..was different then what I went through...if I ever went back in time, I would do the same thing all over again. Their is no way in heck will I let nightmare suffer like I did.

Just no, so I ended up watching as they hurt nightmare but not as bad as me. Probably because I didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me show any pain i felt or because I was secretly laughing at their attempts to kill and hurt me. I would do anything for my brother, even taking his place.

Though in the end my brother still ate the apples, though I don't know why exactly.

I wonder if that was my fault as well? I thought and tilted my head, watching the villagers act nice when this Dream was around his brother.

I watched and watched up until that moment when this nightmare broke and decided to try and die by eating the apples. As you can see it didn't work out and he was corrupted instead. I frowned, watching this dream become a statue, hmm..I floated down. I had been in the air watching from afar until now.

I walked over to this nightmare, to my surprise, he tried to hit me with his tentacles. He can see me? I thought startled, I gently moved forward, my hand coming up to his cheek, I gently used my magic, healing any wounds that he may have had before eating the apples. I gave him a smile as his eyes focused on me and horror written in his eye lights.

"D-Dream!?" Tnightmare said horrified and distressed.

Still smiling at him, "you will always be my brother nightmare..corrupted or not..I will always love you until the end of time..even if I don't show it..I wished you had told me what was happening and I would have done my best to help you..." I told him, I know this is what he wanted to hear. This is also what I always wanted to say to nightmare...this dream better appreciate his brother.

"Dream...I'm so sorry!" Nightmare said trying to hug me.

I let him, but he only passed through. "Silly nightmare, I'll always be there when you need me, you may have turned me into a statue..but I still care and love you." I said, it is true, for this dream and me. Both of our nightmares turned us into a statue.

Though I knew mine was by accident and this one was because nightmare was quiet insane at the moment until I snapped him out of it.

I will have to show this dream certain memories when he's freed.

"I should be free from my statue around a thousand years later brother..just don't forget me ok?" I told him as I started to fade.

"W-Wait! Don't go! Brother please come back!" Tnighmare said distressed.

"Don't worry I'm not gone permanently, I'll just probably be asleep for those years..you could take my statue with you..just don't break it ok? And promise me you won't forget brother." I said smiling at him.

I know he won't forget..but he will know he has something to look forward to in the future..

"I won't brother..I promise I won't forget you..." Tmnightmare said with tears falling from his eyes and I fully disappeared.

Leaving the two of them alone and waking up suddenly.

Huh..that was the weirdest dream ever..I thought and got up. I got ready for the day, though unknown to me, it wasn't actually a dream, my soul somehow ended up in a different multiverse, helping my other self and other brother by accident.

I only knew that's what I would have done if they did that to my brother and not me. I knew I could handle it, I can heal myself. My brother wouldn't have Been able to though.

I don't regret taking his place though, I would rather it happen to myself then my precious brother. If they even tried to with my brother..let's just say..they wouldn't have a great time and be done with that.

I then walked out, fully finished getting ready. I was excited, my brother had stayed the night over the day before so he should be here still. I thought and almost started skipping in joy but I didn't.

Am I getting sidetracked? I thought and then my thoughts started straying all over the place as I headed to the kitchen. I blinked, letting my vision clear back up and they unfocus while I was lost in thought.

I smiled when I saw my brother. "Good morning brother!" I said cheerfully, catching nightmares attention.

"Good morning.." he said a bit grumpy. I guess he still doesn't like waking up early. I thought amused and sat down for breakfast that horror was making.

I like horrors cooking, I don't know why it surprised everyone that one time when I first tried it.

The nagging feeling of don't eat it went away after trying it for some strange reason. I think it's because of my past self trying to warn me or something. I don't know why. 

Everyone else eats it too, other sans and papyrus's eat it. So there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. I thought and started rambling to my brother about the dream I had.

I told him I was alarmed when I saw that happen to that dreams nightmare.

Then breakfast was finished and the rest except those like the original papyrus came walking in looking like zombies.

I blinked at them and shrugged it off.

I started Eating the food with a hum.

"How are you able to wake up so early without being tired dream?" Outer asked me with his chin on the table.

"Hm? Oh simple, I actually don't need to sleep, I just chose to because it also helps replenish my magic like food does. But even if I did need sleep, I get the exact hours that I need of sleep each night and my magic helps wake me up. I just have a lot of energy to spend as well." I told them and heard some groans and complaints of 'not fair'.

I shrugged it off, I can help them wake up now...and then I decided to be evil for right now and let them suffer a bit until after breakfast.

Then I'll use some of my magic to help them feel more awake. I thought hiding an amused smirk. My eyes and nightmares caught each other's and I could tell nightmare knew what I was thinking when he smirked too.

So I left them be until after breakfast before I did anything.

Then I Walked away, I am a bit surprised that nightmare made sure not to unbalanced our part of the full balance. He had made sure he didn't spread too much negativity and not too little of it.

So I didn't have to do anyone right now if I didn't want to.

Though I wanted to go check on a few different aus but I can do that later when everyone isn't busy. I thought and sat down, getting lost in my thoughts yet again.

Finally finished with 1438 words! Yay, sorry if may not be what you expected from this story and all it I do me and you do you. Every story is and will be different because very writer is different in how they think. Well anyway hope you like and comment what uoi think. Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, death ?may switch papyrus nickname
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

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