Hyper dream (oh no)

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Dream accidentally ate some candy and stared down at the last bit of the candy he had eaten...didn't his brother tell him to avoid candy for another century or two...?

Oh...whoops..Dream thought briefly, wait what's this strange feeling and why does he feel like he can run around the village more then a couple times without feeling tired.

Dust walked by before backtracking and stared at Dream with a pale look before running array and shouted, "CODE HYPER EVERYONE! CODE HYPER!"

Dream blinked confused, code hyper? The fuck does that mean? Wait, if his brothers could read his mind, he would have gotten in so much trouble for cursing but well it's not his fault that he accidentally overheard someone curse for stubbing their toe!

Dreams eyes dilated and he took off running around laughing.

Meanwhile, you can see a lot of confused faces except nightmare and his gang who looked like they were preparing for war.

"What's...up with you guys?" Classic asked confused along with the rest.

Cross looked up from what he was doing, "oh preparing to Subdue Dream."

A few of them blinked, "subdue Dream? What for?" Razz looked confused.

"Well Dream ate candy, he wasn't allowed to do that for another century or two because he would get hyper." Killer hummed out loud.

A few blinked, "what's so bad about being hyper? Blue gets hyper sometimes." Stretch wondered out loud.

Blue pouted a little, it's not his fault he drank coffee! Muffet gave him some to try!

Dust looked up, "do you want to deal with a hyper version of your brother who just had candy for the first time?"

Classic rubs his head, "uh no not really.. Paps doesn't really eat...candy...not after last time."

"Wait what happened last time?" Gold wondered confused.

"Well-" classic started before Dream rushed by, picking classic up and yeeting him at a couch.

"Epp!" Classic let out a startled noise after he got thrown onto a couch as Dream took off running again.

Nightmare pointed in dreams direction, "after him and contain him!"

Killer, cross, horror, and dust all raced after Dream at the command of their boss.

"Damn it I wish error was here!" Killer yelped out as he got body tackled a few minutes later by Dream who rushed away with loud giggles.

"Yep! I couldn't agree more!" Dust replied as he summoned some blue bones to try and hold Dream still, though Dream kept dodging it.

Horror in the other hand, threw his mace, thinking he grabbed his other weapon that wasn't so sharp.

Dream caught it and giggles as he ran off with horrors mace, the other three gave horror a look.

Horror blinked a few times, "oh...that wasn't my soft mace weapon but my more durable  mace...whoops..."

"Why the hell did you throw him a weapon!?"!cross hissed a bit at horror who just shrugged his shoulders, nonchalant about it.

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