Aaannnddd kidnapped again :)

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Nightmare was thinking, about how error didn't tell him what he saw and just left him. Of course, it made nightmare curious on what error saw.

And of course the moment error was away, he ended up getting kidnapped and then later joined by his brother, nightmares eye sockets narrowed, how had the kidnapper managed to kidnap him?

He had no idea, since he didn't feel anyone nearby after error left, wait a god damn minute...

Nightmare eyes sockets widen and eye-light dilated, very pissed now. It was that dusk guy again!?

Was this guy fucking watching them!?

Nightmare was very pissed at the guy, at least dream was with him.

But why in the fuck did he get kidnapped too, and how did he manage this?

One moment everything was fine with nightmare thinking, the next he fell through a portal that opened up beneath him, being too surprised to stop himself from falling.

Nightmare stared daggers at the dusk guy, displeased.

"Heya again dusk!" Dream waved cheerfully and dusk waved back a bit insanely.

"Dream don't wave to this fucking guy. Actually no, don't even talk to him. He kidnapped us. He kidnapped you twice now!" Nightmare mentioned pissed.

Dream pouted a little bit, he actually found this dusk character to be funny with how he reacts. Though he wondered why he got kidnapped again along with his brother.

"Since your actually here, why the fuck did you kidnap me?" Nightmare hissed out, still glaring daggers at dusk.

Dusk just smiled creepily, "your the same as him. Besides, it fix's my problems of you immediately taking him back anyways."

Nightmare growled, pissed, though error will find him soon when he comes back anyways, he doesn't have to worry too much.

Dream cuddled with his brother, making him calm down slightly enough to cuddle back protectively while still glaring.

Dream just hid a giggle, he doesn't have much to worry about, everything will be fine, his instincts said so! Error or one of nightmares people will find them soon anyways.

Don't leave him without a tracker device! Sci made him one due to the incidents of being kidnapped or ending up in another multiverse due to the portal thing. Which, smart. He could see sci's point of keeping a tracker device on him as precaution, it works in other multiverses as well, he tried it out while visiting a Freind with nightmare as nightmare was still overprotective due to what's been happening recently.

Dream doesn't mind, it's actually a bit fun or even funny! Besides, he adores his brother, he doesn't mind how protective nightmare is, as long as nightmare stayed by his side, everything will be fine.

Dream rested his head on nightmares shoulder, humming a bit while watching as nightmare threw insult after insult at dusk, who strangely didn't seem to mind nor care about being insulted.

Huh, this guy must really be insane. Especially to kidnap him and nightmare at the same time for not much reason really.

Oh, sunshine wasn't here, dusk must not know about sunshine. That's good, sunshine doesn't need to be kidnapped a second time. No matter what nightmare said, he still kidnapped sunshine and brought him back to their multiverse, for sunshine protection or not.

Of course it was funny that his brother kidnapped someone, even for their own protection. Let alone another him from another multiverse.

Of course he made a bet, that someone would kidnap nightmare one of these days, and hey, it did happen. So killer owed him a favor now.

Killer had been so sure no one could kidnap nightmare that he bet with dream himself, despite knowing that dream wins every bet so far.

Dream hid another giggle, nuzzling his brother a bit, getting his attention as he briefly paused on insulting dusk.

Nightmare rubbed dreams head a bit, looking more calmer now as his attention was focused on dream instead of dusk, slightly sighing and resolved himself to wait as the area they were in canceled out their magic to teleport. He's sure his gang will have no problem with finding them, after all, he did give cross something that will help him find nightmare when needed to anytime and anywhere.

So all he had to do is just wait with his brother...

Finished with 910 words, hope you like and comment what you think.

I was thinking about including dusk again, and then I saw a comment saying something about dusk and just went for it lol.

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, grim
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Sciencetale, sans/sci, papyrus/unknown
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Killertale, sans/killer, papyrus/Angel
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void

Dawn error- is this error of this multiverse- called dawn for a reason(voice-hi
Starlight error - nickname- starlight- is error from an outertale multiverse (voice- hi
Galaxy error- nickname-galaxy- is from a galaxy multiverse, well instead of aus, there is nothing but galaxy and galaxy homes to live in (voice- hmm
Void error- nickname-void- error formed from the void and voids chosen (voice- huh
Origin-original error-nickname-prime (not as insane as everyone thinks) (voice- go away
Destroyer error-nickname- ruin- destroys multiverses when needed (voice-hello
Glitcher error-nickname-glitched- (has it is said, he is way more glitcher then the usual errors and voice is more glitcher) (voice- Ẃ̸̤̤͈̞̟̝͓̊̀́̆̂̋̒ě̸͔͎̩̠͓l̷̡̡̯̲͎̭̗̠̃̐̉͐̋l̴̡̪͖͆ ̵̳͒̑̇͗ changed to hmm
Dreamswap error- nickname-thread- (voice - hm oh hi


Becoming dream from dreamtale Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin