Flashback shattered kidnaps dream

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Shattered waited for a good long while for the opportunity to arise for him. It arose when this nightmare went and left his brother to go do something.

This dream waved a goodbye for now and continued to sit there.

So shattered sneaked down and closer to this dream, this dream was humming. He got close enough and his tentacles moved forward to grab him. This dream let out a surprised sound as he was grabbed out of nowhere. "W-What!? Let go of me! Who are you?" This dream said as he tried turning around to see how grabbed him.

He saw someone run out and shattered smirked and left this multiverse, leaving the sans to go tell the others.

"Where-?" This dream said confused on where he was at now. Shattered turned this dream around to face him, still smirking. "Uh? You look like nightmare...but yellow? Hmm..." this dream looked thoughtful now. "I'm shattered, you will now be my brother since mine doesn't love me even after he was uncorrupted. If I can't have a nightmare, I'll take a dream to be my brother.." shattered said and this dream looked surprised. He will probably just call him Dream since no one else has that name in his multiverse anymore.

"What? wait are you...a Dream? Like me but...you eat the apple..." Dream said alarmed at that.

Shattered shrugged it off, bringing dream closer to him. He won't let go of the possibility of having a brother who loves and cares for him even if he's corrupted or not.. shattered wanted- no needed someone to care and love him even though he's shattered.

Since his brother won't love him..even though he still loves his nightmare and won't hurt him too much, he still needed someone to love him...he hasn't been handling it as well anymore since his brother turned back to normal and left him to still be corrupted. He knows his nightmare is trying to turn him back but he doesn't know if he could anymore..

So he decided to keep Dream, this dream will love and care for him even though he's corrupted because he still loves his nightmare who somehow loves him even when he's corrupted. So..wouldn't that mean that this dream can love and care about him as a brother? So that's why he took him.

He should probably ask his adoptive brother what he wants to be called as. "What should I call you?" Shattered ask.

Dream looked thoughtful before deciding, "call me stardust." Dream told shattered.

Shattered nodded at that, he didn't bother asking about the dust part, he will do it later. He decided as he went back to the fallen stars home.

"I'm back.." shattered muttered underneath his breathe and tink and tblue came out.

"Hiya shattered...who? What..why did you bring another you?" Tblue asked.

"Because..he's going to be my adoptive brother from now on and if either of you hurt him..I won't hesitate to kill you.." shattered told them. They weren't too phased by that, they were used to shattered threating them.

"So what's his nickname?" Tblue said.

"Call me stardust!" Dream said.

"It would be confusing to call us by our usual nicknames or names..except for shattered...so just call me soulless." Tink aka soulless said.

"You can call me yan!" Tblue now yan said.

"And I'll stay shattered when I'm in this multiverse." Shattered said.

Stardust nodded at that and shattered who still had him in his tentacles, walked further into their home. He opened one of the rooms and let stardust down in it. "This shall be your room." Shattered told stardust and stardust nodded at that.

Shattered closed the door and left.

Leaving stardust in the room by himself. It was kinda a bad idea to leave a bored stardust by himself. His brother nightmare learned that the hard way back in their past.

A few minutes later and if someone walked into stardust's current room, they would have somehow found him hanging upside down from the ceiling that had nothing stardust could have stuck too.

That was if someone walked into the room, which nobody did and stardust ended up falling asleep hanging upside down. He knew all he had to do was wait for his brother and friends to come find and get him...but he will also see if he could perhaps fix these versions of him, his brother, and their friends relationships...

Finally finished with 870 words, yes it is also short too...I doubt the next few chapters will be long so they might be short too...hope you like and comment what you think! Ja ne~!

My dream is called stardust when he's in this multiverse, unknown for other multiverses, he may or may not be called differently in different multiverse or not.

We have shattered who will probably just stay shattered in that multiverse. If shattered is in a different multiverse that has another shattered there, then shattered will be dismembered or something else idk yet.

Tink  Stands for this ink



Also I never said I was good at nicknames..so...yeah.. and I may change their nicknames later on or not, if I do change it, I will edit to change the nicknames.

Also give me ideas, I've run out of ideas on how to do the next few chapters 😭

I only have one idea and that's stardust meeting this version of nughtmare and his gang but I'm stuck on that chapter right now so I'll will take me at least two or so weeks to update. Any other ideas would be great

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