Meetings some more sans..

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After all that happened after I had unlocked inks soul, I was just content to laying on my brother.

Though I ended up whining when I felt my brother move after a bit, I was too comfy to want to get up, my brother stoped moving and I settled back down. Wait..I just realized something..I was supposed to meet the sans officially! Then I would meet the papyrus's officially. Ah man and I was comfy too..

I thought and sat up, blinking at my brother who is looking at me.

I looked around to see error, ink, and blue. "Bbbllluuuueeee...." I whined out causing them to look at me. "I forget to meet the other sans officially before meeting the papyrus's officially! Common blue! I need to meet them officially, I didn't last time because they all got dragged by their brothers or the other way around."  I said standing up and holding my hand out for blue to grab, which he did And I pulled him up.

We both walked away and I know they followed us. I didn't know what to talk about with blue yet..but for some reason..I'm fond of blue and ink? Though I do remember some sans and papyrus's being my favorites and all but I'm just fond of ink and blue.. like I should have known them for a long while but I don't...

Hmm..I guess that might be something I changed without knowing it because like I said, I don't have many memories from my past life, just feelings, some thoughts, and a few things I remember about this multiverse.

"So how was your stay here Dream? I know it must have you a bit startled since you woke up form the statue and all but I hope you liked staying here at the very least." Blue said cheerfully.

I blinked and looked at blue who has a smile on his face. "Oh I think I'm doing good, yes I may have been alarmed a bit when I first woke up without my brother around and ended up with you all chasing after me but it's all good." I told him while I smiled at him.

Unknown to Dream at that moment, blue was thinking about how he and ink feel like they were missing another member to the star sans. Looks like they found the missing member of their small group. Blue thought feeling very happy about that.

Ink was thinking the same thing, he always knew they were missing someone after blue joined him. He just never knew who until that moment when Dream was freed from the statue. He just had that feeling that dream was the missing piece to them and he felt happy about meeting Dream.

Error on the other hand, is happy for nightmare. Dream is finally freed after so many years of being a statue. He decided that nightmare is going to be a lot more protective from now on. He somewhat pities dream but knowing somewhat how Dream is right now, he figures Dream won't mind much about an overprotective brother called nightmare.

Nightmare stared at his brother, he had really missed dream throughout all these years. Now that dream is finally freed...he guessed he will have to make a truce between their groups now since he can tell that dream already likes most of them and is fond of both ink and blue. He's not sure why his brother is fond of ink and blue but he will allow it as long as they don't mistreat or hurt his brother. If they do..they he and those two will need to 'talk'... and then he ended up glaring at the two of them, making them shift uncomfortable under his glare.

Dream on the other hand was didn't know what the others were thinking about at the moment, he was mostly just happy at the moment. Along with keep getting sidetracked ever now and then if he wasn't thinking of nightmare or some of the others for some strange reason. But he could tell that nightmare was in overprotective mode and was glaring at blue and ink. He felt blue shift uncomfortable and he knew ink must be doing the same. So he took a quick peek at his brother who stopped glaring at them to look at Dream. Dream smiled at his brother, making nightmare smile back at Dream instinctively. Then dream turned back, he still got it. Dream thought, he always manages to get nightmare to smile when he smiles at nightmare. Dream felt pleased.

I was feeling pleased with myself that I can still get nightmare to smile when I smile at him. I thought as we continued on our way and ended up in a room? Was that what this was called? I wondered and saw some of the sans that weren't introduced that day.

"Hello! Now that some of you are already here, how about you introduce yourselves to dream." Blue said joyfully.

The sans looked up from what they were doing, "oh." One sans said a bit surprised.

"Well I'm geno, nice to meet you dream." Geno said while another sans with a hood and floating in air gave him a look.

"I'm reaper." Reaper said staring at geno.

"Well I'm the great and magnificent black! Your brother may have introduced myself and my brother to your the day before but I have not introduced myself to you." Black said.

"I'm called gold." Gold said. I could tell it was another fellswap.

"I'm called outer, it's nice to meet you dream." Outer said.

I nodded, so most of them right here I didn't officially meet until today or haven't seen until today. Huh that's interesting I thought staring a bit at reaper sans. I know reaper is..death and touch him and you die but what about immortals? Do they die from his touch? I'll have to find out later when my brothers not watching me.

I thought and just ended up watching some..TV and then I fell asleep on my brother again.

Yes I'll switch between first person and third person every now and then.

Finally finished with 1098 words, it's has much has I could do with this chapter. Hope you like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, grim
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Etc may add more later on, if so give me aus names and their nicknames

Also I'll be posting the other chapter the same day since it's really short so might as well and not keep you all waiting and it being a short chapter and all

Becoming dream from dreamtale حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن