Kidnapped by an unknown?

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I was just sitting inside for the day, almost everyone was either busy back in their au or keeping an eye sockets on the aus like ink and blue. Nightmare was doing his job that he had for the last few years, so I just had to wait until they finish to come back.

I'm a bit lonely but I can handle it, after all, I could handle those thousand years as a statue almost completely alone, so why should this be any different? Though I suppose I should ask one of them to do something with them, maybe ink and blue wouldn't mind if I join their group? I thought tilting head, then I heard some sort of noise.

I looked around from where I was sitting and didn't see anything. So I got up and started looking around for the noise and followed it outside. I still didn't see anything and decided to head back in, that was before arms wrapped around me, holding my arms down. I blinked with surprise, what?

"Who-?" I started out and the person behind me, "shhh." Me. Eh? I was confused, I didn't recognize them but then again I couldn't turn around to see who was holding me, I started struggling a bit, I didn't like this. Only nightmare has ever hugged me from behind as a surprise hug before and I know this isn't nightmare, he wasn't supposed to be back for another hour or two. So who was this strange person/monster?

I thought trying to free my arms. They picked me up off of the ground and started moving away from the place I was staying at with the others. "Let go!" I said not happy at all.

Then I heard a footsteps running, "Dream? Where are you!?" I heard from ink. "I'm here! But I don't know this person or monster!" I shouted and barely saw ink before the person holding me took off running.

"Hey let dream go!" Ink shouted attacking the person holding me with his...paint brush? I tilted my head at that and then I felt us go into a portal.

I didn't recognize where we appeared and the portal closed before ink could follow after us. Wait...shoot this means I'll be away from nightmare longer today! No I'm not going to deal with an overprotective nightmare when I come back. I'll wait until he finds me because I know he will find me. He can track me by my magic and through our bond. Nothing can block that unless we, ourselves do that and that's not very likely to happen.

I thought irritated and felt myself being let down. I looked at the mysterious person now known as a skeleton monster who I haven't seen or met before. I blinked, "uh who are you?" I asked him curiously.

"You may call me...death.." he said as if thinking of something to call himself.

"Ah sorry can't call you that, I already know someone called death." I told him causing him to blink, though I knew no one actually used death unless you count reaper who uses that sometimes.

"You do?" He asked and I nodded at that.

"Ah...then how about dusk?" He asked and I thought about it and I haven't met anyone called dusk before so I allowed it. "I haven't met someone called dusk before so go ahead and use that." I told him and he nodded, pleased that he didn't mess up on the second name.

We ended up talking for a while, so apparently dusk likes how my magic feels? Hmm..that's a new one.. I thought and waited until my brother got here, I smiled happily when I get him near.

Unfortunately my kidnapper noticed and grabbed me into a hug just as my brother appeared.

"Mine!" My kidnapper dusk hissed our at my brother.

"No! Mine! He's my brother!" Nightmare said not happy and used his tentacles to grab us and pry me away from dusk. "Bye dusk, see you next time!" I said. "There will be no next time dream!" Nightmare said, somewhat flipping out and Irritated as they left dusk behind.

Ink and blue swarmed nightmare as soon as he was back, asking Dream if he was alright. The others stood there waiting for a bit until ink and blue were satisfied and went up to nightmare and dream, some worried, others not very worried. Dream told them what happened and decided it was time for a nap. So he took a nap while his brother held him. Nightmare went to dreams current room and laid him down before leaving to do some things...

Part of what could have happened during that one moment of him choosing a name-

"You may call me...death.." he said as if thinking of something to call himself.

"Ah sorry can't call you that, I already know someone called death." I told him causing him to blink, I hid a smile, already knowing I was going to torment him with choosing a nickname.

Hey it's not my fault this guy didn't look at nicknames sans or papyrus's may use. He was pretty easy to trick into thinking someone was using that name.

"You do?" He asked and I nodded at that.

"Ah...then how about dusk?" He asked and I thought about it and I haven't met anyone called dusk before but I wanted to torment him until my brother found me.

I shook my head for a no, "hmm...night?" He asked and "no." I said, I won't let him use part of my brothers name." Black?" "No" "hmm...daybreaker?" "Nope." "Nightlife?" "Are you even trying?" "Life?" "Nada." "Reap?" "Dude no." "Life breaker?" "Did you give up on a nickname?" And it continued on until I felt my brother was close to being here.

I smiled, he noticed and thought I smiled at the latest try of nicknames, but really? Ray dark? What kind of name is that for a kidnapper? I thought and my brother appeared, he didn't look to happy and he beat the kidnapper to an inch of his life.

"Hi brother! I had fun tormenting them with choosing nicknames." I told him and nightmares tentacles grabbed me and he started leaving. "Oh yeah? Good job Dream." He told me and we left to...home? I shrugged it off and ink and the others swarmed us, some looking worried and others not so much. I smiled and told them my adventure.

The end...or is it?

Finally finished! Yay! With 1229 words! Yes! Hope you all like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, grim
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

Dreams nicknames when He is shattered multiverse is stardust because someone said that should be his nickname. It's only in that multiverse, I have yet to chose if that's permanent for other multiverse while he stays Dream in his multiverse or if stardust is the nickname when in other multiverse all together.

I'll decided that sooner or later cause I don't want to keep having to say both words unless it's like stardust.
I only chose stardust because someone said it could be dreams nickname since he was willing to kill for nightmare. I know the star is from star sans even though dreams not a star sans yet, he will be in the future at some point because all three of them will talk about it at one point, Idk yet though. It will all depends on what I start writing on the next few chapters or so. Don't worry I'll get to the part with those three talking to each other at one point about star sans.

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