Talk to blue and ink

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Blue and ink had decided this was the right moment to talk to Dream about joining them as the star sans.

So they went over to where Dream was reading a book, "hey dream, can we talk to you for a sec?" Ink said and dream glanced up and smiled at them.

"Sure!" Dream said and got up to follow them.

So dream followed blue and Ink to a more private area to talk. It took them only a few minutes to be away from everyone else so that they could talk without any interruptions.

"So..we wanted to know...if you'll be willing to join as as the star sans!" Blue said both excited and nervous.

Dream blinked at them with a hint of surprise. "R-Really!? I would love to join!" Dream said delighted at the thought of joining two of his friends team.

"Really? That's great! I'm so happy that your joining our team!" Blue said and started hugging both ink and dream at the same time.

Dream hugged back, still delighted. He's happy to be joining the star sans even though he doesn't know too much. He's still pretty happy that they want to include him in their little team. He's also looking forward to doing things with blue and ink. He wonders what exactly they do as star sans but he'll find out later.

Ink on the other hand, also hugged back. Feeling pretty pleased and happy that Dream is joining their group. He always knew that they were missing something and had figured out that it was Dream that they were missing when dream had be freed from his statue. The feeling of it now being complete also told him that they are finally whole. They aren't a missing anyone else, it had only been just Dream that they were missing. So inks feeling pretty happy about the star sans being complete now.

Blue, who was still hugging both ink and dream, was feeling very delighted. Dream said he'll join! Blue thought happy at that. He's very glad that dream had decided that he would join their group. He also felt like they were missing someone but didn't know who until very recently. He's glad Dream joined them.

After they finished hugging, ink and blue started talking about what they did as the star sans and dream paid rapid attention to them. Listening and taking mental notes about it all. Dream also nodded to show that he was still paying attention to them as they talked to Dream.

It took quite a lot while before they finished talking and decided to celebrate dream joining them by going out to outertale for a picnic. Blue and was bring things like food, and ink brought some other stuffs and Dream was a bit confused since he's never gone to a picnic least he doesn't think so.. he doesn't remember to much of his past life after all so who knows? Maybe he did go to a picnic once in his past life..or not since he doesn't feel like he had before. So he's feeling a bit excited at going to a picnic for the first time.

So dream brought somethings that he had a feeling that they might need later one. Though he doesn't know why he need a..blanket? And some other  things but he brought them anyways.

They had a wonderful time when they were out. Though they didn't stay too long out because they didn't want nightmare to go on another mass hunt for Dream again. So it only lasted for an hour before they came back and it was as totally chaos.

Nightmare was throwing some sans or papyrus's around with an irritated look and his gang were..doing things... killer was also trashing the living room. While cross was having a chocolate eating contest against error. The other don't want to know what they were doing...

Meanwhile most of the sans and papyrus's were hiding. Except either the either the brave ones, idiotic ones, and oblivious ones. The oblivious ones were trying to get things under control, the brave ones were also messing around or fighting back, the idiotic ones were doing a mis of both.

"Brother?" Dream said startled ate what he was seeing. Causing nightmare to look and see his brother. Nightmare puts down the sans or papyrus's he was throwing and grabs his brother into a hug. Not letting go for the next five hours.

Of course Dream didn't mind his brother hugging him.

"Brother make sure to clean up after yourself. You made a mess." Dream told his brother who let out a hmp.

Dream smiled with a fond look. Nightmare isn't probably going to let him go until tomorrow...maybe. He doesn't know when nightmare will let go but he can estimate when or what day... either way they are going to be like this for at least a day... so dream settled down and closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving the others to be chaos.

And I'm finally done with 897 words. It's short yes I know. Sorry about that. Some short chapters will be posted every now and then depending on what kind of chapter it is. Well hope you like and comment what you think. Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, death ?may switch papyrus nickname
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

Also give me an idea for the next chapter please!

Otherwise I'll take longer to think of something and write it down. I know this is a short chapter and all but can you help with the next chapter. It can be anything, even something random!

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