Meeting a few papyrus's...

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When I woke up, I decided it was time to meet the papyrus's, I thought and went off on my own to go find them since the others were still asleep. Though I think I accidentally woke my brother up but that's ok.

He doesn't mind when I accidentally wake him up.

So I ended up walking around for a few hours a stumbled upon the papyrus's. I looked at them with a hint of surprise and they stare back with surprise.

"Oh hi, sorry about that but I wanted to officially meet the papyrus's that I didn't either meet or know yet. I'm Dream, what about you all?" I asked them.

"I'm the great and terrible edge! You should already know since we kinda met that day." Edge said proudly and I nodded at that.

"I'm spicy, golds brother." Spicy said and I let out a hum to make sure they know they have my attention.

"I'm stars, outer's brother." Stars said joyfully.

"I'm sugar or Jupiter, you can call me either one, my brother brought me in earlier before he went to go make breakfast." Sugar/Jupiter said.

"I'm grim, reapers brother." Grim said. I nodded at that and we ended up talking to each other for a few before my brother appeared and sat near me.

After a while horror came in, "breakfast is ready." He said and we went and ate breakfast.

"Your a good cook horror." I told him happily. Horror nodded at that.

After we finished breakfast, I went out for a walk, my brother following me close behind. I sat down at one of the trees. Nightmare sat down next to me, pulling me close like he used to do back then before I became a statue. I curled up to him, "...missed you..."nightmare said quietly.

I smiled, "I missed you too may have been a thousand years but..your haven't changed to much..your still my loving and adorable older brother who cares about me." I told him and started cuddling him.

I saw a hint of a blush on his face, I felt a bit amused and happy. I decided it was time for a nap and took one.

Happily falling asleep on my brother again.

Nightmare stared down at his brother dream, his hand on dreams head, lightly petting his brother. Nightmare started thinking, he had missed doing things with his brother..maybe one day they can play a game? Since dream hasn't really aged since he was a statue and it kinda felt like it did before the villagers came into the picture. He knew he might be too old to play but he did miss the simple things that he did with Dream. Like reading a book to dream at nightmare, playing games around their tree, and all the other things. He will have to ask Dream later about if he felt too old or still wanted to play games like they used to do. Then nightmare curled up even more and fell asleep for a nap.

Sorry it's short with only 594 words, that's why this is posted on the same day as the last chapter, I couldn't make it longer to yeah.. anyway hope you like and comment what you think, ja ne~!

Undertale, sans/classic, papyrus/creampuff
Underfell, edge, red
Underswap, stretch, blue
Swapfell, black, slim
Fellswap, razz, mutt
Other fellswap, gold, spicy
Outertale, outer, stars
Horrortale, horror, Jupiter/sugar
Xtale, cross
Aftertale, geno
Reapertale, reaper, grim
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

Becoming dream from dreamtale Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum