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"Wait I- I really think you should-"

"What the f*ck?"

"It-it was Jungkook-"

"Is that what you spent $4,000 on?!"


Jin was absolutely dead from laughter, and Jimin had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. "But don't blame Jungkook, he's asleep." RM looked down at all of the yellow rubber ducks in his bathroom, and really wanted to know what he did to deserve this. "But- it-it's funny!" J-Hope laughed as a rubber duck rolled out of the bathroom and onto RM's foot. "But, really, how would you like it if I just took $4,000 and spent it all on something stupid?" RM asked, not sure if this was funny or not.

"Well I personally would be fine with it, because it's hilarious." Jimin giggled.

That's about the 4th time Suga's face-palmed.

"But seriously, what the f*ck are we supposed to do with all of these ducks-" "Language." Jin coughed purposefully into his elbow. Everyone turned to him. "Sorry, I had somethin' in my throat." Jin smiled innocently. "Bruh-" "I'm gonna go see if Jungkook is awake yet!" Jin quickly turned around, and left the room, venturing off to the maknae's room.

"Hey Kook." The eldest smiled as Jungkook sat up. "Why do I keep hitting my head?" The maknae pouted, taking even more Tylenol Jimin had set out for him on his nightstand. "Because you aren't thinking." Jin joked, sitting down next to Jungkook on his bed. "But it wasn't my fault~ A girl pushed me down after literally punching me, and earlier that week I hit my head on stage really hard and it was gushing blood. And the week before that, I had a concuss-" "Okay okay, I get it!" Jin laughed. "Maybe it's the universe telling me I should die." Jungkook huffed. "No it is not! We do not need 2 suicidal members- you do not get to die." Jin instantly scolded him. "It was a joke." Jungkook smirked. "Well, it's not very funny." Jin told him seriously. "Whatever-" "Hey, so, why exactly are there rubber ducks in Namjoon's bathroom?" He cut him off with a confused expression.


"Jimin said you wanted to-"

"Nope it was all Jimin hyung!"


" was."


Jin looked at Jungkook like he was lying straight through his teeth. "Okay well I suggested it, I didn't say we do it, and Jimin hyung agreed, there for its his fault." Jungkook spoke quickly smiling at Jin innocently. "Oh my gosh, Kook." Jin sighed, throwing his head back. "But it's funny, right?" Jungkook laughed. "Yeah, it is. But now we're stuck donating them or some crap." Jin laughed, looking back to the maknae. "But it's funny~" Jungkook smirked. Jin sighed as he looked down to his lap, and laughed. "Whatever. How do you feel?" He asked, referring back to Jungkook. "My head still hurts, but I'm fine." Jungkook told him. "Okay." Jin nodded, standing back up.

"Oh- by the way, how much Tylenol have you taken today?" He asked the younger curiously. "I don't even know." Jungkook sighed as he flopped back down. "Kook, I don't want you to overdose-" "Not enough to overdose, hyung, jesus." Jungkook cut him off. "Well I'm just making sure." Jin breathed out, placing his hands on his hips.

"Are you getting scolded? Cause if so, Imma just head out." Taehyung entered Jungkook's room, and saw Jin's hands on his hips; that normally mean he was scolding someone for something stupid they did. "No, I was just checking in on him." Jin told Taehyung, turning around. "Oh okay." Taehyung nodded.

"I'm not, like, sick- you know that, right?" Jungkook smiled. "Yeah, we know that." Taehyung laughed. "When are we going back to the studio~?" Jungkook groaned, sitting back up. "Tomorrow. Enjoy the week off." Jin told him with a chuckle. "But I can't not do something, because not doing something is doing something." Jungkook told him with a smartalec tone. "...what?" Taehyung laughed. "Doing nothing is doing something." Jungkook explained.

Taehyung and Jin were silent, trying to process the extremely confusing fact.

"I command my lil meow meow." Jungkook blurted out. "He's gonna be mad you called him that!" Taehyung yelled as he ran out of the room, into Namjoon's room where everyone still was. "You're on your own for this one." Jin laughed as he left the maknae's room.

A bit of yelling was heard, and then loud footsteps toward Jungkook's room.

A pouty yet angry Suga appeared in the doorway, and stormed up to Jungkook, aggressively climbing up onto his bed. "I am not a f*cking cat, and you know I hate being called a cat, because I am not soft and fluffy- I am the exact opposite, so if you ever call me lil meow meow ever again, I will stab you." Suga told him, staring dead in his eyes while hovering over him.

"That was hot." Jungkook smirked.

"Shut up, I'm mad." Suga told him, trying not to laugh at his comment. "But it really was." Jungkook smiled. "Be quiet. I will stab you." Jungkook cutely pecked Suga's lips, and smiled innocently. "You're soft and fluffy now." He smirked as he noticed the softness in the orders eyes, telling him he was jumping around happily inside. "I am not." Suga told him. "Yes you are." Jungkook giggled, squishing Suga's cheeks adorably.

"Okay, I really do hate that, I will stab you." Suga's voice went deep as he shoved Jungkook's hands away from him. "Me too." Jungkook giggled nervously. "But you won't stab me, you wuv me." He smiled, draping his arms around Suga's neck. "I will if you squish my cheeks again." Suga nodded. "No you won't~" Jungkook teased. "Yes I will-" "No you won't." He cut him off again.

"Jeongguk-" "It's hot when you say my name like that." Jungkook smirked up at him, biting his lower lip just to tease Suga. "It is not, you're just saying that so you don't get your a*s beat." Suga laughed lightly.


"Shut up!" Suga laughed, making Jungkook laugh as well. "And if you don't think I think it's hot, just look down." Jungkook smirked evily. Suga's eyes widened a bit as he raised his eyebrows in a smirk. He went to look down, but Jungkook stopped him with a kiss to his lips. "Nope that's not allowed!" Jungkook pushed Suga's hand away from his hair, knowing exactly what he was going to do. "Dang...I tried." Suga sighed playfully. "My head hurts anyway- can you get me some water pwease?" Jungkook pouted. "I swear you're bipolar." Suga laughed as he got up from over the maknae, and groaned as he stood up from his bed. "I wub chu!" Jungkook smiled, literally transferring energy and happiness into Suga, specifically his soul.

"Mhm...when I get back, you owe me a long nap." Suga groaned. "But it-" "Do you know how much energy and motivation it takes to just get up, let alone get you water?" Suga asked in a joking tone. "But if you wuv me, it should give you motivation to help me." Jungkook smiled with a pout. "I do love you." Suga huffed, looking down like a child. "I'll be right back." He added, walking off into the kitchen.

Jungkook brought his knees up to his stomach, and cuddled back under his covers. Now that he's shared a kiss with his love, his headache was already fading into nothing. He felt better with Suga's presence.

He still had a physical dependence.

He felt better, and the voice of Suga was constantly blocking out and pushing away the bad voices. He cuddled into himself, and chirped happily at the warmth.

And he could still hear RM pouting at the probably millions of rubber ducks in his bathroom.


Authors Note

I know this wasn't a very long book, but I think it's over now. I hope you enjoyed the story, and if not, I'm so sorry to disappoint.

But, here's a teaser of my next book,
Little| Taekook:

But, here's a teaser of my next book, Little| Taekook:

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