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Once a day full of practice was complete, J-Hope ordered take-out, because everyone was too tired. Espically Jin and Jimin. Jungkook had a decent meal, like his hyung's, and they joked about their show in a few months; how close and sudden it was.

Suga was too busy laughing and eating to notice Jungkook going straight to the bathroom once he finished his meal, the bathroom door also being locked.

About 10 minutes later, the maknae returned, and headed to bed, claiming he was also tired. "Good night, Kookie!" Taehyung smiled as Jungkook went to his room. "Good night, hyung!" Jungkook smiled at his hyung before closing his door.

He cried for most of the night. First he was unable to move his left arm. Then he was unable to put off an act he was fine. Now he's unable to tell his hyung what he wanted him to tell him.

He just felt so alone, and lost.

J-Hope's POV:

"Hyung, how come you're so quiet?" I asked Jin hyung once we all finished our dinner. Yep, I'm officially the best food-orderer in the world. Orderer probably isn't a word, but who cares anymore.

"He's throwing a fit because I won our conversation last night." RM laughed. Jin glared at him as he stood up, and left the room to wash out his cup. "Conversation, or fight? He's really quiet." Taehyung brought up. "Just a little chat. He's fine. He's just upset." RM smiled as he got on Instagram.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the kitchen, and Jin hyung stormed out. "Hyung, what happened?!" I asked as I ran over. His hand was covered with blood, and there were cuts down his arm. He shoved me away as he stormed into his room, saying nothing.

He needs sunshine- duty calls! Emergency work shift begins!

Jin's POV:

"F*ck him!" I yelled as I threw my phone on the floor. "He doesn't know sh*t!" I cursed. Namjon makes me so ffffreaking mad!

"Hyung? Are you okay?" J-Hope came in. "I'm fine." I assured him, hiding my bleeding hand that hurt like crap from breaking a glass. "What happened to your hand?" He asked as he came over to me, looking behind my back. "Aish, it's fine." I sighed, hiding it more behind my back. "Hyung-" "Ouch!" I yelped as he grabbed my hand to inspect it. "It's not fine. It's bleeding a lot. Come on, I'll help you clean it up." J-Hope told me, leading me to the bathroom Namjoon and I shared.

"Hobi, you don't have to-" Frick that hurt! I winced as he ran it under water, rinsing the fresh blood off of it. "Hyung, there's glass in your hand. Did you drop something in the kitchen?" He asked once my hand was rinsed off. There were small tears in the corner of my eyes from the pain of my hand. "Yeah, I smashed a glass cup on the counter." I sighed. Why did I do that? That cup did nothing to deserve my anger. "On purpose?" Hobi asked, grabbing the tweezers to remove the glass. That's gonna hurt...

"Yeah." I answered, gulping at the small tool. "Were you mad or something?" He asked, getting close to my hand. "Yeah." I bit my lip, preparing for the pain. "This might hurt a bit." Hobi warned me, gripping the small piece of glass in the tweezers. I nodded my head before turning away, not wanting to see it.


"I'm going to sleep." Suga told his members as he stood up from the floor, stretching lightly. "Good night, hyung!" Taehyung smiled at him as Suga traveled tiredly to his room. "Night." Suga yawned, closing his bedroom door behind him.

"Was that Jin hyung?" Jimin asked with surprise as a loud yelp was heard from RM and Jin's room. "Maybe." RM blinked as he stood up to go check on their eldest hyung, Jimin and Taehyung following behind him.

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