Chapter 56

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And the arms of the ocean, so sweet and so cold
And all this devotion I never knew at all
And the crashes of heaven for a sinner released
And the arms of the ocean delivered me

Never Let Me Go played and I was settling for some more shut-eye when I felt a little odd. I adjusted myself on my seat and the strange feeling didn't go away. My eyes were closed but I was now aware of my surroundings. I knew that we were still traveling but there was still something that unsettled me. A while ago, I would always feel myself stumbling over to the side whenever I fell asleep but now...I was resting on something.

I removed my earphones and opened my eyes. I was leaning against someone. When I looked up, I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't. I was looking at Ashton and I was leaning against him.

He wasn't supposed to be here yet here he was. My heart pounded as panic mixed with surprise consumed me. Ashton was gazing out the window but soon he looked down at me.

I instantly backed away, distancing myself from him. I looked at William and back at Ashton. "What are you doing here?"

Ashton made himself comfortable in the seat and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I wanted to ask you the same thing but you were asleep."

Tom turned around and smiled at me. "Hey you're awake." He gazed back at me and Ashton. I knew that he had something to do with this.

"Tom," William said in a light, but warning tone.

I couldn't believe it. "William, what is he-" I was getting confused and I turned back to Ashton. "What are you doing here?"

Ashton opened his mouth to answer but William spoke, cutting him off.

"Victoria," William said, his eyes still glued on the road. "Ashton is Tom's client."

"I thought..." I said, looking at William. "I thought Tom is just your associate? What does this even mean?"

Ashton sighed. "Tom works for me. For me, Luke, Calum, and Michael."

"William," Tom said. "Pull over there. We got some explaining to do." He turned around in his seat and faced me and Ashton. William did the same. "Listen, kids. Miss Hale, I work for Hemmings, Hood, Clifford and Irwin. I'm a lawyer, but also an investigator. Just like how William is your investigator for your own reasons. Are we clear on that? Do you follow?"

The sound of passing cars was the only thing we heard during the momentary silence. I nodded and in my periphery, I saw Ashton nodding too.

William looked at Ashton and he cleared his throat. "Ashton, I work for Victoria. She wants to help the Hale Group. She wants to know what's the real deal behind the Kristophers and Sheridan. You see, the Kristophers wanted a tie-up with the Hale Group. Now, her father had agreed with the tie-up so we're working double time. Kind of an on-the-clock schedule." He paused before continuing. "Victoria wouldn't have known about Sheridan if it weren't for you, of course."

Tom nodded and turned to me. "Miss Hale, I, on the other hand, also dig dirt on Sheridan and the Kristophers. I'm not just William's associate working on your own assignment. I have my own. We wanted justice on what happened to the boys' companies."

Well, that's also one of the reasons why I told William to get to the bottom of all of this. I wanted to help too.

"How did the two of you meet? You and Tom?" Ashton asked. He seemed to be contented with the answers Tom and William gave us.

"Victoria," William said. "Remember when we went to St. John for that Christmas visit and I came back with a bruise on my jaw?"

I nodded. "I remember."

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