Chapter 45

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"Mr. Griffith," a woman's voice called. It was Lynn, my secretary. "I checked with your superiors and I'm glad to tell you that your schedule is clear this early."

"Thank you, Lynn," I said and reclined on my chair. As Lynn left, I turned around and faced the sprawling city beyond the tall glass panels of my office. It was only early in the afternoon and I was already free of any work in the office. That rarely happened but I was relieved. Usually, I'd be off at eight or nine. Maybe the work load was cut short when the holidays were nearing.

I looked at my phone and checked the location of the person who stole my flashdrive. He had moved, but still easy to reach. It had been two days that my flashdrive was with him, but I did not worry that much. As long as I knew his location, I'd have no problem. There was just a lot of work to finish yesterday and the day before that so I wasn't able to go to him. But now, I had my time in my hands.

I was fixing my things when Mr. Hale walked inside my office. "I heard about what you did, William." The look on his face was unfathomable and it made me nervous. Did he find out about what Victoria and I were doing behind his back? Had I been reckless? Mr. Hale smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "I'm glad you went to the children's charity visit. I was supposed to but I couldn't. Did Victoria invite you?"

"Yes, sir, she did." I answered. Victoria did invite me, but for a whole different reason and purpose.

"Are you going Christmas shopping, William?" Mr. Hale asked, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Not yet, sir," I said.

"I see. You'll just wait out the crowd, won't you? Well, I got to go buy gifts. I'll see you tomorrow," Mr. Hale said and bid me goodbye.

Soon, I walked out of my office and went to hunt down this thief.


It took me three hours to reach the thief's location. All throughout that three hours, he wasn't in one place so I had to follow where he was going. On the bright side, he wouldn't be able to open my flashdrive. I took great pains to keep it secure.

I parked my car and slid a combat knife inside my coat, if the need to fight ever arise. I checked my reflection, I made my hair a little bit messy compared to my slick back do last weekend. I looked at the brick building far ahead and breathed in. If I had just been careful, it wouldn't have to come to this.

Getting out of my car, I walked to the building but I kept my head down. There wasn't any other entrance to the building, only the front door. It wasn't supposed to be this direct, but if it's the only way, then I'd just have to go for it.

I walked inside the building and found that there was nobody in the lobby. The first two levels of the building were all purely residents. Once I was on the third level, the pin on the screen of my phone was taking up almost the entire screen. I walked past a couple of doors and the light sensor started to blink once, then twice.

I stopped at one door and I knew this was it. I took out a few brochures I got from the office and pretended to be a real estate broker. I knocked on the door and looked at the brochures in my hand, knowing he'd see my face soon if I looked up.

The door opened and as soon as it revealed the interior of the unit, I took in as much detail of the place as I could.

"Good day, mate, how may I help you?" the man greeted. He was definitely Australian.

"Would like to take a look at our latest units,sir? They're all fully furnished," I said, hoping I was convincing enough. My eyes scanned the room behind and I saw it.

Last Train Home (5SOS and 1D)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα