Chapter 62

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"Mr. Griffith?" a voice called, snapping me out of my reverie. "Mr. Griffith, what can you say about the current projects?"

I was at a board meeting and I didn't notice that I was absent-mindedly just sitting there, tallying everything Tom and I had done for the investigation. I sat up straight and cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. I was just uh..." I spared Mr. Hale a glance and saw him looking at me as if he were analyzing every move I made. "Anyway, I agree that if we invest that amount of funding in the Barcelona project, it will bring in more benefits than the one in Milan."

"Mr. Hale, what do you think?" the same woman who asked for my opinion asked Mr. Hale.

Mr. Hale kept his eyes on me for a few more seconds before focusing his attention to his colleague. "Mr. Griffith is right. Carry on with the Barcelona project. Put the one in Milan on hold. See you all next week. Meeting adjourned."

I placed my papers inside my black folder and prepared to leave the board room. I waited for everyone else to leave before exiting the room. I passed by Mr. Hale's office and I heard him call me.

"William," his deep and calm voice said.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as I stood at the doorway of his office.

"Your mind seems to be floating somewhere else," Mr. Hale said. "Is there anything bothering you?"

Mr. Hale was a very critical person. He saw things beyond the normal eye could see. Victoria was very much like him. Like father, like daughter. He would know I was lying but lying was all I could do at the moment.

What we're doing was for a noble purpose but who knew what would happen if we surfaced at the wrong time?

"No, sir," I answered.

It seemed that he bought it, or not. But he let me off the hook for now. "All right. It's just that you seem to be distracted. Is the work load too much this month?"

"Oh, no, no, sir," I quickly said. I didn't want him to think that I was getting stressed out because of the work in the office. I'd gladly take any project, really.

"I see. Well, let's go," Mr. Hale said and I joined him as we rode the elevators.


"Where are we going today?" I heard Violet ask Louis.

"We're going to see Dr. Sterling again," I answered. I took out a light blue dress and a white cardigan. "You want to wear this today, Vi?"

"That's pretty," Violet said and she touched the fabric of the dress. She turned to Louis. "I'll change for now. I'll be back, Lou."

"Take all the time you need, little rosebud," Louis said kindly. Every time Violet had a check-up, Louis was always there. He'd never left our side these months and I was just glad for his presence. And every time he visited, he's brought more and more fruits and other organic products for Violet to consume.

Louis patiently sat on Violet's bed and fumbled with his phone as Violet and I went inside the bathroom.

"All right," I said, hanging the dress on a rack and helping Violet off her clothes. "How are you feeling today, Vi?"

Violet stepped off her clothes and I tried to hold myself as I stared at her small bony frame. Her ribs jutted evidently and so did her spine. She had lost a lot of weight, more than before. She looked so fragile as if a wind could push her down. "I'm feeling okay."

I helped my sister into the dress and wore her cardigan on her. "Are you nervous?"

"Should I be?" her small voice asked and when I looked back at her big blue eyes, I only saw the innocent bravery that only a child could muster.

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