Chapter 58

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"And this is how it starts," Niall sang as he mixed the batter in the bowl he was holding. "You take your shoes off in the back of my van." He came over a few moments ago, saying that he was just stopping by for a visit but now he was in our kitchen making snacks.

"You're sure he's supposed to be here?" Julian asked me. Niall, Julian, and I were all in the kitchen, watching as Gabriel played with Violet.

"What do you want to do? Drive him away?" I said.

Julian shrugged and continued to eat his yogurt. "It's like you've been...I don't know. You're not mad at him anymore."

"Is that a bad thing, Jules?" I said, pouring a small bowl of blueberries in the batter Niall had made.

"So you're totally okay being engaged to him?" Julian asked again, not quite believing I had started being on good terms with Gabriel.

"She's got a boyfriend anyway," Niall sang, at the same time somehow answering Julian's question with the lyrics.

Of course I still wasn't okay with this whole arrangement with Gabriel. Even if Gabriel and I managed to be friends again, I wouldn't approve of this engagement ever. It had scared and angered me at first, but as I watched Gabriel from where I stood, I was beginning to entertain one possibility.

What if I use him?

That crossed my mind but then what would that make me? I'd be helping Ashton and the boys a lot, also my father and the company, but I'd also be luring Gabriel into a trap that I didn't think he deserved even after the pain he caused me.

No, Victoria. You will not do that. You will not play with emotions.

Finding out the truth about the Montaigne family had shaken me and learning that the original documents were kept in the Kristopher residence were the things we had to deal with.

"And if we're gonna do anything we might as well just fu-" Julian was cut short and turned down the volume of the speaker when Violet walked in.

"That's the reason I don't play that song here out loud," I mumbled and walked to Violet. Looking at her still pained me as I remembered the truth behind my sister's identity yet at the same time, I felt that I loved her more than before, if that's even possible. I watched her pull the fridge doors open. "What do you need, Vi?"

"Just thirsty," Violet said and looked up at me.

"All right," I said, pulling out two glasses and a water pitcher. "You go back to Gabriel, I'll be right out with your snacks, okay?"

"Yeah," Niall said, peering into the oven. "The muffins are almost done."

After a few minutes, the muffins were done and Niall prepared to leave.

"See you next week, Chief," Niall said and waved me a goodbye.

"Don't you want to stay for dinner?" I said, walking alongside him as he made his way to the door.

"Love to, but I got something else to do," he said and wore his coat.

"All right, I'll see you soon," I said and hugged Niall.

Julian walked Niall outside of our house. "Drop by more often, okay?"

I went back to the kitchen and brought the tray of muffins to Violet and Gabriel who were in the living room. "You guys hungry?" I handed Violet a muffin and another to Gabriel.

"Thank you," Gabriel said as he took the muffin. "Did you bake this?"

I looked at Gabriel and wondered why I was a bit taken aback by the sudden casualness. Then I remembered that it had been a long time since the two of us had a regular conversation without me wanting to slap him. I knew it's going to be awkward but at least we got off on the right path. "Oh, um, no. Niall did." I settled down on the space Violet made for me on the couch, making me sit between her and Gabriel.

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