Chapter 63

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"Hey, Ashton," one of my classmates called. "You sure you don't want to have lunch with us?"

"Maybe next time, bro," I said as I dipped my paint brush in the palette. "But thanks."

"Okay, see you soon."

I looked back at my painting and saw that the six-foot tall canvas was still a long way from finishing. I mixed different shades of brown in a new palette and started to apply it. My paint brush glided across the white space and I didn't notice how long I had been working until someone knocked on the door of the studio.

When I looked, it was Mr. Clarke, one of my professors, who was also the dean of the School of Fine Arts.

"Good day, Mr. Clarke," I said, putting down my brush and wiping my hands on a clean towel.

Mr. Clarke walked to me but kept his eyes on my work. His hand was placed on his chin, critiquing every stroke and texture on the canvas. He was quiet as he regarded the lines and curves, and I suddenly felt very small.

"I've seen your works, Mr. Irwin," Mr. Clarke said. I wondered what he thought of my work. "As you know, art is an expression. A channel of our emotions. The elements we place in our works strongly reflect what we feel and sometimes, what we couldn't say through words is conveyed through art."

I wasn't sure where he was going with this so I just listened.

"For the past couple of months, I noticed something," Mr. Clarke continued. "Everything you create, it has this strong impact. Your paintings, your sketches, even your photographs. They are all shouting the same thing."

I didn't understand him. "What is it, Mr. Clarke?"

"Whoever your inspiration is, your muse, you're deeply in love with her," he said. "Am I right?"

I looked back at the draft for the canvas I was working on. It was a sketch of Victoria.

It's been a week since we talked. The last time we did, we were in an argument. I admit that I was really uncomfortable with the idea of Gabriel now being a part of this investigation. I hated to see him. But Victoria was just doing her best to help. This distance that we had from each for the past week made me realize something just now: I got mad because I was jealous. The idea of Victoria just even talking to Gabriel made me green with envy.

"Sorry," Mr. Clarke said and chuckled. "I may have gotten too personal. But I just want to say that you are one of the few who have this burning passion for everything they do."

"Thank you, sir," I said.

"The annual arts festival in the college is coming and I need one more student to handle the exhibit for the closing night. Would you want to? If it's all right with you," Mr. Clarke said and at that moment, I thought I heard the heavens open up and the studio seemed to be brighter.

I probably had that dumb look on my face as I couldn't get past the dazed feeling. I was at a loss for words but Mr. Clarke wanted an answer right now so I tried my best to speak without stuttering. "I'd be honored, sir. Thank you so much."

"Great, I'll be expecting more enchanting works from you, Mr. Irwin," Mr. Clarke said and turned on his heel. "Oh, and one more thing, on the closing night, why don't you bring your muse?"

"I will, sir," I said, smiling. My cheeks were hurting too much.

I brought out my phone and was about to dial Victoria's number to tell her but I decided against it. I wanted it to be a surprise for her. But maybe I could meet up with her now too. I just wanted to apologize for last weekend.

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