Chapter 17

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Watching the game was definitely a new experience to me. I've watched Louis play before and it was as awesome as this one. I should do this more often but I just might be interested this time just because my school's playing. If I'd be watching other teams, I'm just not sure if I'd be very into it.

With our star player getting injured, I thought things would turn for the worst. At first, the other team had caught up and our team seemed to be a bit out of the zone when that happened. But gladly, we caught up. It was a tie.

There was only fourteen seconds left and we had to score. We had to. The countdown began and the ball reached Calum. With ten seconds on the clock, he ran to the goal, keeping the ball to himself. The other players had began to swarm him but he kicked it to his other teammate and it was returned to Calum after he had assumed a position close enough to the goal.

Four seconds left and Calum had to kick it right in. As the ball went his way, he swung his leg and it zoomed past the goal keeper, the ball hitting the net.

At that moment, the crowd erupted in cheers and I couldn't help throwing my hands in the air. The drummers in front of me all celebrated and they played loudly. Ashton beat on his drum with one hand while the other was holding his fist high up, the victory gesture.

"We won! We won!" Ashton screamed and the brighest smile was on his face. We joined the roaring crowd as we jumped up and down in triumph. He beat his drum and he looked so happy. He played a beat and he bit his lip as he did so. He turned to me and held his fist up front.

I returned the fist bump and continued to celebrate with the crowd.

As the field had been cleared, Ashton and I walked out together. Luke and Michael joined us and they would be waiting for Calum.

"Chief!" a voice called from my right.

I looked and saw that it was Niall. He and the boys were there. They watched the game, too. The five of them waved a hello and shook hands with Ashton, Luke, and Michael.

"Oh! Hi guys," I said. "Didn't see you back there."

"We're at the upper parts," Liam said and looked back and forth between me and the three boys standing beside me.

The boys exchanged a few words with one another while Ashton and I talked. It was just a bit past noon, but invitations over a victory party tonight had spread already.

"Do you want to go?" Ashton asked me.

"Sure," I said.

"Great. Mrs. Brown gave me the night off, you know. I could pick you up. So, is eight okay with you? Or maybe eight-thirty?"


His hazel eyes twinkled as he smiled back and I really found them nice to look at. But of course, I couldn't stare at his eyes for too long without getting uncomfortable. All too soon, I dropped my gaze and tried not to smile.

Calum soon joined us and the boys all congratulated him. He was introduced to the boys and Louis commended Calum for doing such a great job.

"Thanks. Never expected this outcome," Calum said. I admired his humility despite the fact that he had been the apparent star of the game back there.

"We should play some time, mate," Louis said and he placed an arm around Calum's shoulders. The two became instant chummies.

"Hey, listen. There's a small party at the Blue Rock tonight," Calum said. "If you guys want to come. It's open for everyone."


After the game, I still had class. The ten of us parted ways and I waved goodbye at the boys of Five Seconds of Summer.

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