Chapter 33

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"I found it, Lou!" Niall called from the edge of our back yard. He and Louis were playing badminton when suddenly Niall smashed too hard and too high, the shuttlecock ended up stuck in a tree. Right now, Niall's up in the branches to retrieve it.

"Great!" Louis said, holding out his hand, catching the shuttlecock. He walked towards the patio where Harry, my sister, and I were. He dropped down on the seat next to mine and placed his racket on the table.

"You tired, Lou?" Violet asked, shifting on Harry's lap.

"Just a little, love," Louis replied, wiping a towel on his sweat-beaded forehead.

All the boys were here, for the new arrangement we had wherein every Saturday, we'd all drive home to visit my sister.

The doctors Louis and I talked to last week were also here, discussing the treatment to my parents. Louis had explained them to me and Violet would be undergoing another test this week.

Liam, Zayn, and Julian soon joined us after they bought some food for the tea party Julian had set up for Violet.

We were all listening to Violet tell us about.her week when I saw my mother walk into the backyard, approaching us.

For a second, I was glad as always to see her but then I remembered her confession to me. That saddened me a bit and made me hostile towards her.

"Good afternoon, Aunt Elise," the boys greeted and my mother acknowledged each and every one of them.

My mother glanced at me and I just wore the usual pokerface that I had. She knew I was still upset. I had every right to be. And if Julian knew, he too, would have the same reaction. The only difference my brother and I had was that he was more vocal while I was the quiet one.

"Louis, Dr. Sterling and Dr. Penn are leaving," Mom said. Louis stood up and for no known reason, I got up too and walked to her.

She must've taken that hint and followed me inside. We stood in the kitchen where nobody could hear us.

"So, what did you do for the entire week, aside from looking after Violet?" I asked, emotionless. I turned to the fridge and took out a bottle of water. I just needed to focus on something else besides her.

"I...I stayed here at home," she said, lacing her hands together on the counter.

"Are you sure about that?" I shot back. I hated myself for being this disrespectful but I couldn't help but be suspicious now.

"You don't use that tone of voice on me, Victoria," my mother said sternly. "I am your mother and I demand respect from you. Don't tell me your father and I didn't teach you that."

"I'm sorry, Mom. But you're also the one who taught me about loyalty and honesty," I said. "Yet you're the one who broke those."

There was nothing more to say so I walked out of the kitchen and made my way back to the backyard. Dad called me from the living room and I sat across from him on the couch.

"Victoria, dear," he said, adjusting his glass on the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, Dad?" I said.

"What's your decision on this trip? Are you joining?" Dad asked, holding up the letter for my Arts field trip. "Say the word and I'll sign this."

I didn't say anything. I didn't feel like it was the time to go and fly to Italy.

"Liam and Zayn are joining," he said. "And a change of scenery is good for you. Sometimes all one needs is a getaway, don't you think?"

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