Chapter 75

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Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

One moment Gabriel and I were dancing, and the next, we were both in the water. I didn't know why I heard a gunshot. All I knew was the cold water hitting me and as soon as I went to the surface of the pool, all I saw was the color red surrounding me and Gabriel floating lifeless.

There was just one thing clear: that bullet was meant for me but he took it.

Gabriel saved me.

I waded towards Gabriel and pulled him closer to the ledge. Hands pulled me out of the pool and William pulled Gabriel out of the water.

"Move away, give my son some space!" Mrs. Kristopher frantically said, pushing people aside.

Everyone moved to give Gabriel some space.

"Victoria," Mom said, holding my face. "Sweetheart, are you all right? Oh my goodness, are you hurt?" She looked at my arms and held me close. She pulled out her handkerchief and wiped my face with it.

Dad draped his blazer over me but I felt colder than ever as I stared at Gabriel-his shirt was blood-soaked and he was so pale.

Gabriel's parents knelt by his side.

"Gabriel?" Mrs. Kristopher said, holding her son's face. "Gabriel, oh God." She caressed Gabriel's face and asked her son to hold on as one of the guests did first aid for him.

"Yes, please send one right away," Mr. Kristopher spoke to his phone.

Gabriel's eyes were fluttering open every once in a while and would close again and his breathing was shallow. Then he regained momentary consciousness and reached out for me.

My knees felt like I wouldn't be able to move them but I did my best to go to him.

"Gabriel," I said, blinking back tears. I held his hand and my heart pounded when I saw him space out. "Gabriel, hold on. You'll be okay."

If something ever happened to Gabriel, I'd never forgive myself. He did it for me. I pieced it together and I was beginning to realize that maybe this was the reason why he was so distracted, so nervous a while ago. He knew that something was coming.

I fought down a shudder as I thought about who would do such a thing. No, that question's incomplete. I remembered that I was the target here and it made my spine tingle. The right question to ask was: who would do such a thing to me? What have I done to be hunted down like this?

Help had arrived and soon, they were placing Gabriel on a stretcher. They placed an oxygen mask on him and I went inside the ambulance with Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher.

Gabriel was slipping to unconsciousness and we were told that he needed to stay awake.

I held Gabriel's hand and repeated the words he said to me before all this happened. "Just look at me. You'll be fine." I said those words over and over. It kept Gabriel awake, but only at the start. After a few minutes, no matter what I told him, he was slipping away.

I couldn't bear to lose another person important to me.

"Gabriel, please, honey," Mrs. Kristopher pleaded. "Gabbie, don't sleep. You need to stay awake. Listen to Mommy, okay?"

"Gabriel, stay with me," I said, tapping his cheek. "Gabriel? Stay with me. Don't fall asleep, do you hear me? You need to stay awake."

We reached the hospital and Gabriel was rushed to the operating room.

"Ma'am, Sir," a nurse said, blocking our path. "This is as far as you go."

My parents soon followed and not long after that, a doctor came out to meet with us.

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