Chapter 64

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Gwen did not come home that weekend. Ever since our father hurt her, I told Gwen to find someplace else to stay. My sister seemed to embrace the suggestion fully because when she came back to school that same week, she told me that she had found herself a pretty apartment just nearby the hospital she was training in.

When the news of Gwen living in an apartment first reached my father, I was nervous of what he would say. I thought that he'd be angry and he might think that Gwen was running away but he seemed not to care. When he heard the news, he had a straight expression on his face as he downed another glass of liquor.

I didn't care. Maybe it was for the best.

I had been working on pleasing my father just to get him to trust me and from where I was standing right now, everything was going on as I had planned. I flaunted every achievement I accomplished and he seemed to be delighted. When I showed an interest on the business, that made him look at me as if I were heaven's gift to him. I didn't expect it to be this quick but my father started to tell me more and more about the business.

He told me about expanding the empire, and with the Hale Group now in the circle, the expansion was now within reach. We had long talks about economics in his study at our house and no matter how grueling it was for me, if that's what kept my father's temper in control, then I'd endure it, for everyone's sake.

For days I tried looking at every possible place where my dad would hide such documents, the one Victoria told me about. I sneaked into his office and checked the drawers of his desk, but there was nothing in them except for old receipts, monogrammed stationery, and blank sheets of paper. I scouted the house discreetly but I found nothing. I even went to the attic but there was nothing I would find.

I thought of where my parents hid their safe but I thought against asking them about it. They'd wonder why and they'd figure out I was onto something. I didn't want that. I had to find this safe by myself. And when I'd find it, I'd have to devise a way to open it.

It was only my mom, dad, and I who had dinner tonight. Gwen didn't even call the house. She would call me, but only when I told her that I wasn't with Dad. She was that much traumatized.

"Gabriel," my father called as I rose from my seat after dinner. "Come with me."

I followed him and I found myself walking inside his study. I wondered what he wanted to talk about this time.

He sat behind his large oak desk while I sat on the chair in front of it. He wasn't drinking anything and he looked at me straight. I felt uneasy as if he was seeing my motives.

"I know what you're doing, Gabriel," my father said.

I felt my blood chill and I tried to fight down a shudder.

His face had a smile on it. Cruel, even. "Getting my approval in everything, showing interest in the business. That is so unlikely of you."

Oh shit, I thought.

He looked at me and I prepared myself for the beating that was to come.

I'm so sorry, Victoria. I failed.

"I was surprised that you suddenly wanted to be in the company," he continued. "And I'm glad about that."

I released the breath I was holding.

That was close.

"Your sister will most likely pursue her own career but you, you're taking up the reins from here," he said. "And I could definitely say I could sleep easier now that I know you're going to replace me someday. Thank you for that, son."

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