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There is a library on top of a hill. No one really goes there much anymore, some were afraid to step foot in the big dusty place. People say that the library is haunted by an old librarian who died inside there. If anyone were to make any noise she would pop out and scare them away. but it's all just a myth, a scary story, a silly rumor. Until now.

A troll was walking up to the library to pick a book about painting and arts. Her name was Harper, and she had never heard about the tale of the ghost librarian. She approached the door and opened it making a long creaking noise.

"Hello" she called out in the library. It echoed through the empty hallways. She decided to step in and get the book herself. "Wow this place really is empty" she said.

She walks around a corner and looks at the categories on a dusty plaque. She found art in the A section and went down to find a book. As she passed through the sections she didn't notice behind her that a book was floating in mid-air. She turned around and the book was gone.

Harper starts to get suspicious and starts to call out for anyone inside the library. "Hello, is anyone there ?" she asked. She went further into the aisles looking through the books. She picked up one that said Painting skills and started making her way out. She passed some cabinets of files and stopped when she felt something under her feet.

It was pink, gooey, and most of all sticky. It was slime and it was sticking to her foot. She got grossed out and tried to pull it off." Ew, Ew, Ew it's still wet. Who would just leave slime on the floor" she asked herself. She took it off with her hands and flicked it away. She began walking again but a sudden loud bang caused her to jump and shriek in fear. She turned around and saw that a cabinet was open, she got confused as to why it suddenly opened and just decided to push it back in." Um seriously is anyone here, this cabinet just opened by itself" she said reaching for it.

But before she could touch it another cabinet pops open and starts to shoot out papers. Harper got scared and stepped away from it quickly. Suddenly all the cabinets started to open and fire out files and papers. Harper screamed and ran away dropping her art book. She started heading for the door and stopped. She saw a pink light beaming against the door, she knew it was coming from behind her and closed her eyes and turned to see what it was. Her eyes widened to see right in front of her was the ghost librarian. The ghost looked angry and came closer to her slowly. Harper was terrified and frozen she couldn't move, her face getting pale as the ghost came closer.

The ghost raised her hand to her mouth making a quiet gesture. Harper started to calm down seeing that she actually might not harm her. Then the ghost backed away from her and floated down a nearby aisle. Harper got up and let out a relived sigh, she got up and opened the door. The door made a louder creaking sound than last time and Harper got scared again. She turned back around and gasped as she saw the librarian ghost angrily floating towards her. Harper let out another scream and ran out the door closing it behind her.

Trolls: Ghostbusters Where stories live. Discover now