Chapter 25

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Finn's POV

"This dance is about Romeo and Juliet, the dance starts as Romeo really wants to have have a relationship with a amazing girl and summer and richelle walk in and I see these gorgeous beautiful girls but I have to pick one to be my soulmate forever and I cant decide I cant pick just one, until... I see Juliet and I realize that she's the girl for me but our parents hate each other and don't let us be together and it absolutely kills us so decide to have one last dance together and then they see us sad dancing and they realize they made a mistake and let us have our happy ever after forever and at the end they are happy than ever!"

Piper's POV

"As we start dancing this is kinda like me and Finn's journey up to here so I guess we are Romeo and Juliet because the storyline fits us amazingly and in the back with richelle and summer I can tell that they are proud of me, all the stuff I went through and Finn who is doing big lifts on me and doing my aerials I'm doing so good and the looks in the judges I think we might get to the next round so that's good we all end the dance by Finn lifting me in a high lift in the air and summer and richelle down on the ground. After everyone applauded we all bow down and wait for our results and then the other dance team come onto the stage" "the winner of the small group is..... THE NEXT STEP!!!" the announcer says "I'm so happy right now we are moving on the next round and this means its mine and Finn's duet next I'm so nervous but I can do this and I hug summer and richelle and run over and hug finn and both run to the troupe celebrating. "That was brilliant and piper your were incredible well done so the next round is Duet round so piper and Finn are you ready for this its tomorrow" Emily says "yeah I think we are this is going to be the best one we've done were ready for this!" Finn said as he interlock his hand with piper's "okay everyone its finally the end of the day you can go in your rooms and be ready for rehearsals at 11 sharp" she says as everyone leaves

Henry, Finn and Heath's Room;

"Yo man that was a really good dance the storyline was definitely you and piper well done man" henry says and slaps his hand but he isn't really listening "are you okay the dance looked fine while you were dancing you looked happy? what's wrong" henrys asks confused "okay its pipes birthday tomorrow and I didn't plan anything and we are at nationals so I cant take her out anywhere so I don't know what to do?" "ok calm down so we cant go anywhere but we can throw her a birthday disco and I knew you were going to ask this so I brought disco stuff so we will sort this out later after your duet. So what o need you to do is knock on the girls room and tell Amy and summer but please don't tell piper okay go" heath says "omgg who is knocking in the middle of the night!" Amy groans "ames please get it cause I couldn't be bothered getting it" piper says going back to sleep "hey what are you here piper is asleep" Amy whisperers angry "no that's the thing I need to tell you something see its pipes 16th birthday I didn't know what do with her so henry decided to have a disco mini party all of A-troupe so we will be setting it up after me and pipes duet so u need to distract her during it. And then she will have no idea okay goodnight, bye" he said leaving.

Finn's POV

"Okay I finally got it planned I cant wait for this and her face is going to be so happy" "I know but you need sleep because you have a very busy day tomorrow so go to bed" henry said

sorry the ending is crap hope you enjoyed this thanks for reading please vote and comment if u think it was good love you so much bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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