chapter 3

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Piper's POV

"I wake up so excited to start my first official of learning in this school I'm so excited. I meet up with Finn to walk to school cause we're actually nextdoor neighbors , Funny and then after school is my first official day of Dance with my good friends."

Finn's POV

"Pipes are you nervous for your first day? cause you know annoying teachers I really hope we become best friends boy and girls can become best friends".

Piper's POV

"Finn I never knew you had a girlfriend you never told me you don't have to because it's not like that you're my boyfriend"

Finn's POV

"Oh yeah Amy sorry I didn't tell you about Amy. It's because I was going to tell when u brought up the dance thing and if u didn't I would of told you"

Piper's POV:

"Oh that's fine you must be very loyal and kind to Amy now I'm happy I'm friends with her. I had a boyfriend back in Toronto he was called Josh he meant the world to me. We would spend all of our time together but one day this girl came to dance. He thought she was so hot then the next day he decided to dump me to be with that girl.

Finn's POV

"Omg he is a stupid ugly dofus I really hope the next guy who u date would NEVER do that i would kick them in the water"

Piper's POV

"Okay thank you Finn well you have an amazing girlfriend and you are so lucky but what happens I don't think I want to be in a relationship for a while"

Finn's POV

"I have a confession since me and Amy started dating during last summer i just feel that we are just different people. And I just feel that we're not meant to be together and yeah and i thought piper liked me. But I guess this must be really hard on her so im not gonna like tell her that i like her. Sometimes i feel lost when im with amy when im with piper i could just spend the rest of the day with her. And when i saw piper walking to form class she melted my eyes i could barely speak"

In English

"Im in English I'm very bored we are reading this book I have no idea about it. I was doing the tour around the classes yesterday so this what you get when ur new yea mee. We have 5 mins left of class and were allowed to talk but Finn keeps on looking at me and i don't know why. I think it's what I said this morning that i said i didnt want to be in a relationship I think he's torn down but he has a girlfriend. Maybe he has feelings for me?"

"Next we have geography it really boring but I gotta learn it but it's not that important. Were learning about volcanoes and it's actually interesting and then the bell rings for break time I'm so hungry"


Piper's POV

"Me and Riley and Finn and Noah and James are just hanging out oh James and Noah are in my class as well. Next is PE but I'm new but I brought a kit so I get to play games and also hang out with Riley I love Riley she like my best friend even though I've only known her for a few days shes coming over after school."

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