chapter 15

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Piper's POV

"It is the next morning and me and Amy had a blast of fun, but its the day of school, Amy left to go to school earlier because she has to wake up soooo early for the bus to come. She goes to a really posh school. Oh you want to see how bad the uniform is omgg it is terrible. Anyways I will probably have to get up soon but I don't want to get up, but my boyfriend is coming to pick me up to go to school its been a tradition since we've got together he's so sweet! He hasn't been complaining all weekend because we haven't been hanging out recently but he was fine about. But I'm so excited to see him we are going to the cinema today because we have been so busy we are going on a little date I'm really happy he cares so much about me."

Finn's POV

"I just woke up I'm so tired and its Monday a full new week of school the days going up to Nationals are killing me I'm nervous but not as nervous as my wee pipes I cant wait to go with my girlfriend I'm so hyped. I'm excited to see pipes this morning to bring her to school today I found out she had a sleepover with my Ex-girlfriend but we are brilliant friends now but a wee bird told me that she likes Henry, and I'm great mates with henry so I probably think he feels the same way cause I know the way they look at each other. I'm going to get ready for school and then pick pipes up I'm ready, oh and I forgot I'm bringing pipes on a date to the cinema its a date for the busy times we had last week I'm so excited."

Finn's POV

"I'm outside piper's house and it looks quiet I hope someone is up ok here I go. Alright james answered the door but the bad news but I'm not surprised pipes is still sleeping NO SURPRISE"

James POV

"Um finn why don't you try to see if pipes could wake up? "okay" Finn answered

Finn's POV

"Hey babe wake up time for school" I said "hi babe piper said cuddling finn "lets get up for school" finn begged piper "Fine"

"i'll see you in 10 mins okay"

Piper's POV

"Okay finn. He came at the time I wanted but then I slept in ooops but I'm getting ready now I'm really excited to see all friends. I'm finally dressed and I'm and need foooddd."

Finn's POV

"Girls must take about an hour getting ready cause it feels like forever but its okay just wait finn don't worry"

piper: I'm ready I'm so hungry

Finn: no come with me

Piper: finn what don't you get I need food!

Finn: trust me pipes

Piper: okay

Finn's POV

"I know pipes is confused but she'll understand Finn she said what is happening why am I not getting my breakfast! I'm not going to school without my breakfast or ill just get out of this car and go to school on my own please tell me why I'm not eating at the moment" she angrily said

"Okay pipes hold on don't get angry" he replied "okay then tell me" she answered by touching his shoulder sad" okay pipes "okay carry on" I'm bringing you to a donut breakfast shop so we can get donuts are you ok now" he answered camly"

"omg finn I'm so sorry" piper saying sadly "no pipes its fine don't worry no lets go to the donut shop"

I'm going to skip the whole donut part because I just could not be borthered so yea sorry if the writing is bad I'm trying to do it this so sorry if u don't like it so yeaa bye

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