Chapter 21

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Piper's POV

"I'm sooo excited, today is finally the day we finally go to nationals, but I'm really nervous but mostly excited im just finishing last minute packing and getting my purse and phone ready and my charger and all the bits. And after I'm finished that I'll wait for  my boyfriend I'm so excited to spend time with him but I have something I really want to say to him I have been holding this in forever!"

Finn's POV

"Today!! Finally is nationals week it's Sunday I'm so happy to spend nationals all my Best Friends and my no.1 favourite person my girlfriend. We have our duet on Tuesday so we don't have to worry yet but the competition starts tomorrow I'm just so ready to get on that crowded stage and dance it's about half 1 so I want to get there early I'm going to pick pipes up now I can't wait to see her."

Piper's POV

"Right now I'm waiting for Finn and I am so excited to see him, oh there he is but first I need to say goodbye to James and riley and Finn comes into the house "heyy" I say as I run over to him and give him a big hug and kiss him  "you ready for nationals babe" he says  and puts his hand on my knee "Yes anything with you but first I need to say goodbye to James and riley is that okay?" I say "yes pipes" he says  "Me and Finn go into James and Riley's room and say goodbye to them"  "Alright I'm going now can I say goodbye but I'll see you on later on in the week.

"Pipes I'm going to miss you so much, Finn make sure you take care of her please" James says crying his eyes out and then hugs Riley "piper even though we're kinda sisters you feel like one but have one and don't worry about us have fun and hope you win nationals" Riley says as she is crying and hugging James. "Okay I'll see yous soon love you" I say as we walk out to the car.  "Ready pipes" he says  "yes let's go to studio A"   "Me and Finn walk in  studio A holding hands and I see all my best friends and standing beside my bf and i can't wait to compete with them. "Omg I hope there is a pinn moment during nationals I'm just so incredibly proud of my best friend I love you piper and I'm so happy we are happy again, Finn I'm sorry of everything thats happened between us and that we are now best friends again"

Emily's POV

"Alright A-troupe! We are leaving to get to nationals it is about 2:30 now so I hope you are all prepared and I know you are, make sure u have everything you need because we won't be coming back here. Now let's get a bus to get to the Airport"

Finn's POV

"We get on the bus to go to the Airport I'm so excited I sit beside pipes and I get myself comfy because it takes about 30 minutes to get to the Airport and then pipes puts her head against mine and I do the same and we doze off sleeping for a while. "Omg look everyone pinn are sleeping against each other its too cute" Summer says as everyone aww at them and then try to leave them alone. "After a long time like it feels we're finally at the airport and we are steps closer to nationals we both get off the bus and i can tell that everyone saw us sleeping, all of A-troupe enter the airport and we all groan because we have to do all the boring stuff."

Piper's POV

"All of A-troupe and myself are in the airport and are checking our bags and suitcases, after all the boring stuff we finally can relax and wait for our flight and then we will be at Nationals our flight is at about 3:45 and it's 2:30 so it's not that bad. Me and Amy are going into a makeup shop and are looking at all the makeup until Finn and Henry come running in but I don't think they would like looking at makeup products. "Finn I don't think that you would like like looking at makeup and I need some," I say  " piper you don't need makeup your too pretty without it" he says kindly  "aww thank you Finn but I still need some come on" I  say as I hold his hand and buy some makeup, I buy some makeup for nationals and I buy some food for the flight and other stuff.

"It's finally 3:45 and the flight attention tells us we can go on board now I run over to Finn and he puts his arm around me and stand beside the gate and show our passport and go through these walls, after 10 seconds we're finally on the plane and I'm beside Finn I'm really happy I get to sit beside him during the flight and we can talk about our duet, and after hours the flight man decided to start the plane and start the wheels and I start to see Finn's hands shaking I didn't know he was scared of planes I wished he could of told me so I get my body and cuddle up to him.

I'm going to show the whole plane stuff so sorry xx

"The plane has finally landed I'm so happy we are probably soon at nationals I just can't wait to perform on stage it's nearly close, i get my suitcase but as a lovely, kind amazing boyfriend kindly carries it for you he's amazing!  "Are you sure I can carry it?" I say "no I can carry it don't worry he says touching my arm. All of us are all looking tired and exhausted.

We finally get to our hotel and register for nationals, me and Finn walk in by holding hands and A-troupe walk in and I see something I see I think I know and then I see it "pipes are you ok please answer!!! he says as Finn and A-troupe looking so worried at me "hellooo Piper it's so nice to see you again" a unknown person says......

Sorry guys.. I've been wanted that storyline at the end of this chapter who do you think it is, I have no WiFi so idk when this will be posted but I am getting a WiFi box on Tuesday so this might be posted on Wednesday tbh. I need to tell you guys something as I haven't been posting for a couple of weeks is that 1 ive had school and 2 I had been feeling down I fought ppl we're ingoring me and I was really sad that no one was voting on my stories and it made me really mad and I was texting @tnsella_ and she made me feel a lot better so thanks ily so ppl who vote on my stories Thank you so much and never give up you will always do good so yea that's all I wanted to say bye ♥️🤩💞💕 x

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