Chapter 27

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Piper's POV

"I cant believe what just happened thank you everyone now lets have fun!!!!" I say as we all dance I take a moment to myself as finn comes to me and a slow dance song comes on and all of the couples ran over and got their girlfriends and slow danced "wanna slow dance" finn says and places his and on mine and I agree and walk over to the dance floor with him to slow dance "finn... I just want to thank you I feel we don't get time to spend together and when you all left I felt sad that I wouldn't spend it with my boyfriend, the other thing was I don't get to see my family especially my mum & dad I miss them so much but lets not talk about that" I say as finn puts his hand on my face "pipes, well it was worth it cause u have a awesome birthday with all of your favourite people and if u want to talk about anything just talk to me and its the best because I'm dancing with the most beautiful girl in this room" he says "ive wanted to say I love you to you for ages and we finally said it so it was amazing I love you pipes" finn says "i love you too" piper replied as they kissed softly on the lips and kissed for ages and finally let go and wrapped his arms around piper's and continued to dance

Ozzy's POV

"Since the slow dance song just came on and all the couples are dancing I feel so left out piper and finn are dancing and are a couple, Henry and amy are dancing and are a couple, Lily and Kingston are dancing and are a couple and Kenzie and heath are dancing but they aren't a couple but heath isn't apart of the team he just had to come to pipers bday party and Richelle is dancing but I know she doesn't like me so there is no point asking her to dance with her so I might just sit here for the rest of the night "Finn do you know what is wrong with ozzy?" piper asks finn "i think he doesn't have anyone to dance with and richelle hates him because he keeps asking him out" finn replied "okay I know what to do i'll be back in a minute" piper says and leaves to talk to richelle "richy do you see ozz sitting there all sad you need to dance with him its my birthday I don't want anyone being upset" piper says "piper I have to admit something ive had feelings for ozz for a while but I don't think its obvious so okay i'll ask him thanks pipes" richelle says and walks over to ozzy.

"I just need to calm down for a few minutes and i'll ask richelle but she probably doesn't like me" I say "ozz do you want to dance please" richelle says and she looks nervous....wait does she like me back? "of course" I say "richey I think I'm in a dream because I thought no one would ever like me because people think I'm a nerd but maybe I'm no-" I said and richelle kissed me and then I kissed her back "wait do you like me?" "yes maybe I do ozzy sorry ive been mean but its because I was Elliot but I kinda liked you instead so I do like you" richelle says "so does this mean what I think it is are we richozzy like a couple" ozzy said waiting for an answer "yes it is we are a couple I love you ozzy" richelle says "i love you too" ozzy says and gives richelle a peck on the lips.

Finn's POV

"Alright everyone stop the romance and lets have a dance party" finn says as they all let go and dance and party and all the girls and boys do a boys VS girls dance and finn lifts piper up high in a big lift, and everyone is getting a bit tired but do one dance party to end the night and the dance party ends and one by 1 leaves, but piper and finn are still in there "today was amazing thank you and our duet was incredible so I have to thank you. Its getting pretty late so we should maybe think of heading back to our rooms" piper says "yea I think we should but i'll walk you up were next door so if you need anything just call me or just knock at my door okay" finn says as they walk up to their rooms interlocking their hands together, "i'll see you tomorrow okay had the best night with you love ya" finn says as piper replies "love you too" she says as the door closes and finn smiles and walk into his room.

hey everyone hope you liked it soz if its rushed I said yesterday but I was lazy yesterday so today I wanted to write so sorry for the delay enjoy love youuuuu Xoxox

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