Chapter 9

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Piper's POV

"I wake up ready and excited for school today I'm woken up in such a good mood. I can't believe that tomorrow I'm going to be with the boy of my dreams! I'm soo excited to see him today I really can't wait."

Finn's POV

"Tomorrow is the day I'm going to be with the girl of my dreams by tomorrow. It feels that I've known piper my whole life. When I first saw piper I knew we were going to be together sometime this year and I'm so excited for this."

Riley's POV

"It turns out that I have the bug which is so annoying the doctor says that I have to be off for the rest of this week, and then I can go back to school if I feel better."

Piper's POV

"I head in school feeling all happy than ever we're not a couple yet but we will tomorrow oh I see Finn I'm going to walk over to him now."

Finn's POV

"I see piper and I'm so happy we are going to be PINN tomorrow oh if you're wondering that's our ship name pinn - piper and finn. We head into form class and we are just going to pretend that nothing has happened we are going to tell the class tomorrow that we are an official couple."

Noah's POV

"Hey piper how you doing you better today?

Piper's POV

"Yes Noah I'm fine you know what I'm amazing today. How does Noah know that I was avoiding Finn yesterday maybe cause I was acting weird. Probably everyone noticed but thats ok"

Piper's POV

"Me Noah are heading to Class but the reason why I'm not walking with Finn is because I want the class to be all shocked, when we come in tomorrow all cuddling together and talking all lot. We are going to media I love talking about Social Media and all phone stuff."

Finn's POV

"We have a half day today because it's the GCSE for year 11 & 12 but we have to pick ours in April. And I really nervous"


Piper's POV

"After break, we are in maths class and we are sitting doing nothing. Our teacher decided to to this speed thingy on us we have to see how many seconds we can run in a minute and how many time your pulse beats in a minute"

(A+N) fun fact I actually did this in maths class in real life I didn't really understand the point of it but it was actually really fun not writing for 2 periods.

Piper's POV

"After doing that weird speed thing that had nothing to with maths but yeah it was hometime finally I feel so tired I just want to lye down in my bed. And just wake up tomorrow feeling amazing I can be with Finn"

Piper's POV

Piper: hey
Finn: hey
Piper: I can't wait for tomorrow we can finally be together I'm so excited.
Finn: yea mee too so about that I was wondering if us being a couple tomorrow I could drive you to school every day if you want?
Piper: umm yes for sure I can't wait to call u "babe"
Finn: omg that's the best part and I'm excited for it it's going to be the best years of our lives to spend with you ♥️♥️ and go to nationals with you.
Piper: yea me to I'm excited
Finn: so yea I'll see you tomorrow
Piper: ok bye Finn see you tomorrow wait what time are you coming over to pick me up at?
Finn: oh 8:30 bye
Piper: bye

Piper's POV

"Omg that was a long conversation I can't wait to be his girlfriend tomorrow, and then first thing being a couple he's bringing me to school in his CAR that is just amazing! I kinda want to hang with him but I don't want to cause I'm going to get so excited bring with him but he'll say he's going to text me tonight before I go to sleep"

Finn's POV

"I'm so excited to be pipers boyfriend I might not be a good one but I really need to if piper wants to date me for the rest of her entire life!"

Piper's POV

"I have been just face timing Riley I'm so upset that she has the bug but I hope she's better to come back to school on Monday. I'm going to text Amy if we're going to be okay now that I'm going to be dating her ex"

Piper: hey Amy, is
everything going to
be okay that I'm
going to be with
Finn tomorrow
are we still going
to be besties again?

Amy: of course
Pipes I forgive
you I don't
Want me ruined
Everything u want
I want to be happy
For you

Piper: aww
Thanks Amy
Anyway I have to
Get my dinner
I'll see you
Tomorrow at dance

Amy: no problem
Pipes see ya xo

Piper's POV

"Dance isn't on today because Emily is sick and nick is away with his family, but I don't think they trust us to be on our own. But I think it's good so I don't see Finn till tomorrow and call him my boyfriend ♥️"

Finn's POV

"I can't wait till me and pipes first date but it has to be special it's going to be on Friday night so I asked nick and Emily if me and pipes could be out of rehearsals for that night."

Piper's POV

"I'm just watching a movie to lighten down for the day it's been an amazing day but tomorrow going to be epic!"

Finn's POV

"I promised piper that I would text her before we went to bed so yea that's what I'm going to do!.

Finn: hey pipes

Piper: hey Finn
What you doing?

Finn: idk I'm
So bored but
Just thinking
About being
With you tomorrow

Piper: ha I'm
Probably going to
Be late cause
It takes me a while
To get ready in
The morning

Finn: no it's
Alright I have
Plenty of siblings
I know what its

Piper: it's
Getting pretty
Late I'll see you
Tomorrow bye, night


inn: bye
See ya xo

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry it was really bad but I'm really looking forward to next chapter get ready for it until next time see ya xo


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