chapter 4

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Piper's POV

"It's Wednesday and I have been at senior high school and I'm loving it, me and Riley are having a sleepover on Saturday I'm so excited. I was talking to Riley about nationals and I was wondering if she could join the team, riley said she would love to!.

Riley's POV

"Me and piper are in first period and the teacher is taking so long to come apparently he woke up 1 hour late, and he has the keys for the classroom so we have to wait outside the classroom. While we wait OUTSIDE me and piper are just talking about our sleepover were having on Saturday I'm so excited we're going to have Domino's pizza obviously and of course facemasks".

Piper's POV

"Would u be ok if you want to come to my brother's house he's called James, but his nickname is called DEWAIJ - don't even worry about it James weird right 😂

Riley's POV

"Yea I would love to come did he get kicked out of your house?"

Piper's POV

"Oh no nothing serious he's 21 years old he lives with his girlfriend riley oh same name as you. I usually come over to his house sometime every week."

Riley's POV

"O rite ok can't wait to meet ur brother and his girlfriend"

Piper's POV

"Finally the teacher is here we only have 10 mins of class so we didn't do any work

"Then it's maths I wish I'm good at math than riley is she literally knows everything.


Finn's POV

"Hi everyone sorry I was late to school I had a appointment with the doctor it was just a checkup. Hey piper and Riley oh I heard that Riley might be joining A-troupe?

Riley's POV

"Yes I am but I have to Audition but I'm kinda nervous"

Piper's POV

"You'll be fine you'll probably get in

"After break we have PD we're learning about responsibles

After that very boring class was science we're looking at about space I kinda like it because it's fun to know about space".


"Next we have H.E we are making chocolate cake it was so fun to make it. I made the cake with Finn I love working with Finn, I'm so glad I met him.

"After H.E was finished we went back to form class and did what we wanted and then it was hometime".

Riley's POV

"Piper is bringing me to her brothers house I'm excited to meet him and his girlfriend"

Piper's POV

"I decided to bring Riley to Riley and James house because Riley and James said to bring some of her friends here so they could meet them"

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